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04-19-2006, 01:23 PM
I urge you to try Agenda Fusion 6 then try Version 7 and now 8?

Not a great deal of difference really for a whole load of upgrade cost.

On top of that the cost of their wallet solution....

You could forgive them if the price was on account of dazzling service. But they won't even let you complain in their forum... all your posts are policed.

04-19-2006, 03:44 PM
hi dickiedove,

just seen this post. it's been a long time since I checked developer one's forum since I lost my PPC. I'll be having my new one today.

I just checked the forums and seems like they've cleaned up a lot of the posts there. users have a very limited options to post in the forum. seems like they have a new policy in their forums since the last time I checked (about late last year).

I won't be interested in having AF 8 i guess. i'll just try the AF 7 WM5 version if it is still 'good' since I don't want my license to be useless. if it's not 'that good' I'd probably drop it from my PPC. i'd had enough of their customer support and answering application issues and such.

04-20-2006, 10:49 AM
Hi Bacchus,

Long time no hear, glad to see you back in the PPC world. The quality of the software has never really been in dispute. Agenda Fusion is still a good product, although I have to say I use PI nowadays, partly because it has better functionality and partly just because I have a serious case of sour grapes with D1's appaling customer service.

For a long time I feel they have just been cashing in on their previous successes and not really doing much significantly new, nor reacting to the requests of a previously very loyal customer base.

Have a look at AF 8 because I think you'll be disappointed by how little work D1 have put into it in the last year or so since they made the last smash and grab from our wallets.

Good to have you back


04-28-2006, 01:42 PM
On the other side, I think WebIS has done an excellent job. I bought Pocket Informant 2005 about a year ago after realizing that Birdsoft isn't going to update Ulti-planner, and I have nothing but praise for WebIS. They've released 5 updates for PI in the last year, and regularly provide bug fixes and public betas of upcomming releases. They also are very active in their discussion forum and work hard to keep users up to date with all of their products.

I tried an evaluation of AF once, but after using PI for a while I wasn't impressed with iAF and I deleted if the same day.

Phillip Dyson
04-28-2006, 02:15 PM

I've never actually dealt with their customer service or their forums and I've never really tried AF.

But what I can say is that their release/upgrade model needs major work. I would also point to WebIS as an example for pretty much any developer in the mobile space.

Major features ... new platforms supported ... charge for the upgrade.
But for minor additions, bug fixes, perhaps even performance improvements should be a dot release and a free upgrade.

Even many desktop applications provide updates from time to time free of charge. Heck, if they have an automatic update mechanism, you may not even know there is an update until its done.

I'm currently running CodeWallet Pro 5 (5.31) and have not plan to upgrade to this latest release. Unless there is some great feature that I'm not aware of. In fact my next upgrade, whenever that is, will likely be to another product.

I'm even willing to hand type all of my new information into a new product if I do change apps. Thats how strongly I feel about it.

Overall I suspect that I can get a better customer experience from another company like WebIS. Especially since I use some of their other product.

My $0.02

04-28-2006, 10:54 PM
I agree with the above. Since I bought Flexwallet just before Webis took over, there have been 2 updates but no charge to me. That's very nice, especially considering webis made nothing off my purchase. There have been several updates of PI at no charge as well. Webis has been busy constantly upgrading. Their forum is very nice and helpful too.

04-29-2006, 02:21 AM
I personally cannot commet about Developer One but I can comment on WebIS. Along with SBSH I believe that WebIS are the best producers of PPC / WM software out tere today.

Both listen to their customers, answer questions and constantly offer improvements to their software solutions. I own most WebIS and SBSH titles and find them well thought out, tested, useful and importantly fo me stable.

I do rate customer satisfaction very highly these days when evaluating a software title. From what you are saying I can keep clear of Developer One.

04-29-2006, 09:00 AM
I also agree that the new features offered by AF 8 are minor to say the least...
I still prefer AF over PI because of its less cluttered interface, its simplicity. AF can still accomplish 95% of the tasks that PI can and offers for me the better interface. I also like the Today View, a view which I miss too much in PI.
The month view is also better in AF, u get the same color for the current month, something which isnt possible in PI yet...
PI offers a much better upgrade model, they upgrade often and charge nothing for it. They have established a much better model regarding the development of PI. A Beta Group exists that actively participates in the development of the product. With AF there is no such thing...
I just hope that with AF 8 new features will eventually come...