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View Full Version : TOPPS repair center concerns

04-12-2006, 09:11 PM
I sent my iMate Jasjar (which had a malfunctioning digitizer) to the Topps repair center 2 weeks ago after an iMate rep told me they would have it repaired in 6 days. I called the company today and they said that "the device needed a software upgrade." I told them that I had done that per their instructions prior to my sending them the device. I was then forwarded to a tech manager who said that "diagnostics were run on my device" and again told me it needed a software upgrade, and it would cost me $25 to do so. I told him also that I had upgraded the ROM prior to shipping (all they needed to do was check the darn splash screen for the ROM version!!!!!). Anyway, I agreed to let them upgrade it--what else can I do?--and I asked that they check the device prior to sending it back to me. He said that he would personally inspect my device. Sounds like it's gonna be a long, drawn out time before I get my device working again. Just a bit of warning before anyone sends their device to this company.

04-12-2006, 10:25 PM
I'm a huge PPCTECHS fan myself. I don't have a Jasjar but they have them listed in their supported devices.

Doesn't help you for this time, and hopefully there won't be a next time - but if there is give PPCTechs.com a try first.


Unsolicited, I dont work for them, just love their dedication and product support.

04-12-2006, 10:52 PM
Awesome! Thanks Edgar, I've heard of this group for a long time, but I didn't realize they did repairs. I will dump Topps if it comes back to me still malfunctioning.

Thanks again.