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View Full Version : DualCor cPC Pricing Revealed: $1500 to $2000

Darius Wey
04-11-2006, 02:00 AM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=1622' target='_blank'>http://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=1622</a><br /><br /></div><i>"Our readers' eyes bulged when we stated that UMPCs would range from $600 to $1,000. They may be even more surprised to learn that the cPC will ring in at well above the $1,500 mark for enterprise users direct from the manufacturer. In fact, to get a cPC from Westwood, you will have to pay $1,500 plus an additional $500 bucks (although Westwood does throw a three year warranty in with the deal). $2,000 seems like a hefty price to pay for a "do everything" device. If both operating systems are so important to people, a separate Pocket PC used in conjunction with a Tablet PC or UMPC seems like a much cheaper and effective alternative. But then again, it seems as though convergence is the name of the game these days."</i><br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/web/2003/wey-20060106-DualCor02.jpg" /><br /><br />Remember the <a href="http://www.dualcor.com/">DualCor cPC</a>? It's a new ultra portable personal computer capable of running both Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 and Windows Mobile 5.0. We <a href="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=45510">initially reported</a> that the unit would be available at $1500. It now looks like that price is restricted only to enterprise users, and that standard consumers will have to pay a bit more, say in the order of $2000. Does that make the DualCor cPC any less enticing? You decide.

04-11-2006, 02:45 AM
Another OQO!:(
I wonder how many OQO has been sold in 3 years.

04-11-2006, 03:01 AM
Its enticing until I look at their price. Especially with all the laptops out there and prices they are going for.

04-11-2006, 03:44 AM
Looks quite expensive...

I remember reading, i think it was on brighthand.com, that the OQO was going to drop it's price to ~1000 price range. If the DualCor follows that same pattern and drops down to ~750 or even ~1000, then I think it would be worth it.

Just think about it
1000 JasJar vs 1500 cPC

Patrick Y.
04-11-2006, 04:25 AM
As manufacturers blasted customers with fresh and attractive ideas, they definately forgot that almost no one can afford such luxury. :?

04-11-2006, 05:45 AM
$2k? Are they kidding? 8O

$1500 I thought was a good, fair deal. High'sh, but that's what you have to expect with such a cool device. At $2k, it's flat-out rape.

At that price, I don't know if I would buy the DualCor just on principle itself. Not even Apple rapes their customers as much...

04-11-2006, 06:58 AM
Maybe stupid question, that nobody can answer (and I think creator of this creature forgot about it), but for me it will be very important if I will go to buy something like this oneday...

What happen when I create appointment in WM5 OS, then I will switch to WXP OS? Is this appointment automatically synced to my Outlook in WXP part? If not, then it's stupid. And if it bring WM5 OS over WXP OS when I work within WXP session, then they can keep this thing for sure...

Of course this everything vice-versa...


04-11-2006, 07:09 AM
Yes, we can "do-everything", but, $2k is just too much. Getting a small pocket pc + a 9-10' screen tablet pc would be a more usable solution.

Darius Wey
04-11-2006, 09:53 AM
What happen when I create appointment in WM5 OS, then I will switch to WXP OS? Is this appointment automatically synced to my Outlook in WXP part?

To my understanding, it can't be done. On a slightly positive note, the cPC includes a shared folder that allows you to share files across both operating systems, but the functionality is not as innovative as what you're after.

04-11-2006, 11:20 AM
What happen when I create appointment in WM5 OS, then I will switch to WXP OS? Is this appointment automatically synced to my Outlook in WXP part?

To my understanding, it can't be done. On a slightly positive note, the cPC includes a shared folder that allows you to share files across both operating systems, but the functionality is not as innovative as what you're after.

Yes it can. That's one of the cool things about the cPC is it's ability to autosync info between the two OS's.

Darius Wey
04-11-2006, 11:43 AM
Yes it can. That's one of the cool things about the cPC is it's ability to autosync info between the two OS's.

Got a link handy? What beecher was effectively asking was whether a virtual ActiveSync connection could be established within the device itself, so that any PIM data would automatically sync to and from the Windows XP and Windows Mobile operating environments. The shared folder, which I mentioned earlier, allows you to automatically 'synchronise' general files. Similar concept, but there's a huge difference between the two.

04-11-2006, 12:01 PM
Yes it can. That's one of the cool things about the cPC is it's ability to autosync info between the two OS's.

Got a link handy? What beecher was effectively asking was whether a virtual ActiveSync connection could be established within the device itself, so that any PIM data would automatically sync to and from the Windows XP and Windows Mobile operating environments. The shared folder, which I mentioned earlier, allows you to automatically 'synchronise' general files. Similar concept, but there's a huge difference between the two.


Third paragraph, last sentence.


Under specifications.

I have also heard this from several "reliable" sources on various podcasts.

So to answer's beechers question, the answer would be "yes". If you enter a PIM item in Outlook or in you PIM on the WM5 side, the information would be immediately available to the other OS.

Darius Wey
04-11-2006, 12:05 PM

Last sentence.


Under specifications.

I have also heard this from several "reliable" sources on various podcasts.

Hmm, very interesting. Thanks for the heads-up.

Edit: After reading into some of the recent cPC articles, I can now see that a few extra details have been revealed, of which most weren't publicly available when the cPC was first announced (e.g. the sharing of Outlook data). All in all, it seems like an interesting device, though I question whether it's worth the $2000 price tag. :|

Eriq Cook
04-11-2006, 02:03 PM
What happen when I create appointment in WM5 OS, then I will switch to WXP OS? Is this appointment automatically synced to my Outlook in WXP part?

To my understanding, it can't be done. On a slightly positive note, the cPC includes a shared folder that allows you to share files across both operating systems, but the functionality is not as innovative as what you're after.

Yes it can. That's one of the cool things about the cPC is it's ability to autosync info between the two OS's.

It just wouldn't make any common sense to make people enter PIM data on both OS's with a device like this. Do you know how frustrating this would be to users? I think it DOES sync PIM data across both OS's. Why pay $2000 for a dual-OS device when the OS's can't sync common data between each other? That's whole idea of a device like this. It's supposed to simplify life, not make it more complicated.

Still, I wouldn't pay $2000!

Don't Panic!
04-11-2006, 02:28 PM
I believe that the $2000USD price is for the Ruggidized, TAA (http://akss.dau.mil/askaprof-akss/normal/qdetail2.asp?cgiSubjectAreaID=5&amp;cgiQuestionID=15046) Compliant version being discussed here (http://www.handtops.com/forum/2012/0//My_CPC_update_as_of_4_3_06___NYGUY.html#).

The consumer version has yet to be released or priced other than statements made by Dualcor's CEO Steven Hanley.

04-11-2006, 02:38 PM
Of course, if it's $2,000 in the US, then it's bound to be £2,500+ here in the UK! (on the normal basis that $1 = £1+ as far as technology, DVDs, CDs, etc is concerned).

04-11-2006, 03:22 PM
Get the cPC down to about $1200, and make sure it has WiFi and a decent warranty, and you might be able to turn my head. Any higher, and you can mark my words, "This unit will cover nothing more than a niche market".

04-11-2006, 04:19 PM
The complaints on the price are amusing. This is, presumably, first and formost a business device, secondly an uber-geek device and third something motivated consumers might just consider.

$2000 is cheap from a business perspective for what is being offered. As I type I am using a three year old Dell laptop that cost around £2,500 (over $4,000 at time of purchase). It was not an outrageously expensive machine when compared to what others in my field use.

My PDA cost me about $500 a year or so ago - it was a very expensive PDA, but it was also one of the highest specced machines around.

If I want to get the very best laptop I can afford today (which is how I alwasy buy my laptops, for maximum life and RIO), I would be spending around $3,000 to $4,000.

But ... for a capable PDA and pocket XP computer all-in-one that I can take anywhere with me, in relative terms, $2,000 does not sound so bad when put into the perspective of $3,000 computer plus $500 PDA. Sure I know that my perspective is not so normal, but then neither will that of the typical cPC buyer.

Having said all that, I would be more likey to buy it if it were only $1000 :-)

04-11-2006, 05:06 PM
Interesting conversation.. My question to those who think the $2,000 price tag would be to high is, "Samsung Q1 UMPC" is priced over $1500.00 for a computer that has 256MB of Ram.. No offense with the cPC you are getting

1) Fastest Windows Mobile 5 device with the LARGEST storage capacity (over 41 gigs of space)

2) A Windows XP Tablet machine which is faster than 70% of the desktops on the market today...

I can confirm the sync works perfectly between the two along with accessability of the Windows XP hard drive from Windows Mobile..

04-11-2006, 05:09 PM
Microsoft's (any Intel's) recent braying about the near future availability of $500 UMPCs with all-day battery life has an influence on perceptions. That sort of promise held out by so influential a source tends to be believed. Result: expectations rise, consumers tend to see that promise as imminently deliverable, and start using it as a point of comparison for every other device.

Dualcor is different. They're cramming everything into a small package, kitchen sink and all. 'Origami' by contrast is intended primarily for media/internet consumption, as stated most clearly on the Intel site. Apples and oranges, at least in some regards.

Jason Dunn
04-11-2006, 05:36 PM
Interesting conversation.. My question to those who think the $2,000 price tag would be to high is, "Samsung Q1 UMPC" is priced over $1500.00 for a computer that has 256MB of Ram...

Don't you think you should reveal that you work for DualCor Technologies, Inc. (http://www.dualcor.com/executive.php) Dave? There's no problem with you defending your product, but you should at least be honest about your role in posting about the product, don't you think?

04-11-2006, 05:47 PM
I really like ultra small machines, and would like to have WinXP machine as small as possible.
But I just don't get what is the benefit of two operating systems on Dual Core. It just adds complexity and incompatibilities on WM side in my opinion.

04-11-2006, 05:53 PM
I really like ultra small machines, and would like to have WinXP machine as small as possible.
But I just don't get what is the benefit of two operating systems on Dual Core. It just adds complexity and incompatibilities on WM side in my opinion.

I thought it was simple - XP is more pwerful, but uses more resources and battery power. WM5 is less powerful and a lot lighter on battery.

You can use both to do many tasks. When I am relaxing or travelling, for instance, I can fire up MSReader to read a book - I could use XP or PPC for that - but the PPC would use less power and do the job just fine. When I'm taking notes, pocket Word might be fine, but then later I could use Word XP to reformat the notes, add a chart etc ... without changing machine.

If you cannot picture ever finding value from being able to switch bbetween OSs like that then this device is not for you.

04-11-2006, 06:04 PM
I thought it was simple - XP is more pwerful, but uses more resources and battery power. WM5 is less powerful and a lot lighter on battery.

You can use both to do many tasks. When I am relaxing or travelling, for instance, I can fire up MSReader to read a book - I could use XP or PPC for that - but the PPC would use less power and do the job just fine. When I'm taking notes, pocket Word might be fine, but then later I could use Word XP to reformat the notes, add a chart etc ... without changing machine.

If you cannot picture ever finding value from being able to switch bbetween OSs like that then this device is not for you.
Well as far as I know something like 80% of battery consumption is due to the screen. This device having 5" SVGA screen is going to have much higher battery conumption than "normal" WM machine with 3,5" VGA screen regardles of an OS.
The only real difference here would be "only" HD usage, where XP would use more the internal HD than WM. I may be wrong but I'm guessing the difference in battery consumption is not significant.
Oh, and if I would have XP machine, I would use something like One Note for note taking, not Pocket Word...
I guess this is really not for me :-)

Don't Panic!
04-11-2006, 06:12 PM
Hmmm, There's a reason for that Wolverine Avatar I reckon.

Anyway back to the cPC, I'd pay 2 grand for it but not the stripped down, ruggedized version offered to government agencies.

I really like this whole concept and support it wholeheartdly but the suspense (as well as a professional development grant deadline fast approaching) is killing me.

When can the uber-consumer order one Dave?

04-11-2006, 06:30 PM
The only real difference here would be "only" HD usage, where XP would use more the internal HD than WM. I may be wrong but I'm guessing the difference in battery consumption is not significant.
Oh, and if I would have XP machine, I would use something like One Note for note taking, not Pocket Word...
I guess this is really not for me :-)

How about the instant on capability and session state (apps left open, etc) of the WM5 side? I would say taking a quick note, doing a quick google search in PIE, looking up a contact, etc would make using the WM5 side a great option instead of full boot or restore from disk that XP offers. I am not familiar with Tablet edition so I am not sure if it offers another type of startup mode.

04-11-2006, 07:09 PM
The only real difference here would be "only" HD usage, where XP would use more the internal HD than WM. I may be wrong but I'm guessing the difference in battery consumption is not significant.
Oh, and if I would have XP machine, I would use something like One Note for note taking, not Pocket Word...
I guess this is really not for me :-)

I think you are guessing wrong. Information I read is that using the PPC gives up to 8 hours of battery live, v's up to 2 hours for the PC side.

And everyuone here seems to be forgetting that this machine is also a phone giving high-speed data connectivity on the go to. So what you get for your $2000 is

A smart phone
An ultra-portable PC

What would they cost separately - let's say you are buying high-end devices in each case - aside for the laptop.tablet ...

Buy a phone - up to $400. Don;t tell me you get it free with a contract ... because the contract stil lhas you paying for the phone in the long run IMHO

Buy a PDA - $400

Buy a decent laptop - $1200 (and you could pay a LOT more)

There's your $2000.

Some want sewparate devices - I've posted often here about how I don't want a phone/PDA combined for numerous reasons. Some don't need an ultra-portable PC. Some see no value with having PC and PDA in one device, probably because the PDA does all they need on the go.

For me - I travel a lot with work, and would welcome the ability to take only a small device like this on the road. While I travel I can use it like a phone/PDA unless I need to do a little work. When I arrive, I have a full XP machine that allows me to do all my work.

Many years ago I used a Toshiba Libretto for a short time. It was difficult to love being so small and fiddly to use, but fantastic for the ultra-portability. I can see that there is a core target audience that will love these devices, for the rest it will be a case of "what's the point?"

Don't Panic!
04-11-2006, 07:34 PM
For me it's the form factor. I'm getiing tired of carrying around a big gadget bag. I was relly disappointed when this wasn't relesed on March 31st. So I'm think about getting a Sony Vaio TX Series instead. The only problem is the TX runs on cingular service and I'm already doing Verizon and t-mobile unlimited data services.

This hobby of mine is getting expensive. 0X

04-11-2006, 07:35 PM
When can the uber-consumer order one Dave?

Ditto that.

And my wife says "Me too!"

04-11-2006, 07:40 PM
OK, Steve, you've convinced me a little more. Throw in a virtual keyboard (+ sunglasses to keep from going blind (http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=47611)) and a wireless mouse and I may consider paying $1500 for it. That is a very huge may.

04-11-2006, 07:42 PM
This all sounds awfully familiar (http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=379022#379022), but they have already exceeded my expectations by delivering tighter and more reliable integration than I thought possible, and at a price less than I predicted. I think we all know how out-of-hand marketing claims can become, but DualCor has done very well in following through. $2000 is a price that will make people seriously consider a purchase, and might just be low enough for significant penetration. I, for one, am willing to offer early congratulations.

04-11-2006, 10:36 PM
I agree Jason totally and have fully disclosed it on my site but was really speaking about a scenario that was brought up during CES which opened my eyes as a consumer. This was the main reason for me joining DualCor full-time was the expandability of the cPC.

Interesting conversation.. My question to those who think the $2,000 price tag would be to high is, "Samsung Q1 UMPC" is priced over $1500.00 for a computer that has 256MB of Ram...

Don't you think you should reveal that you work for DualCor Technologies, Inc. (http://www.dualcor.com/executive.php) Dave? There's no problem with you defending your product, but you should at least be honest about your role in posting about the product, don't you think?

04-12-2006, 12:44 AM
I can't see why people are making such a big deal. It's $2000 through a VAR. DualCor isn't selling to consumers, so that's not their fault... their price is $1500. Basically your VAR is having a 33% markup. Look at dynamism. Their markup on the OQO is $100. I think people should be getting on westwood. How can they justify adding 33% to a product? I'm sure they will say it's because of the warranty, but what if I don't want a three year warranty? I want a DualCor, but I'm not paying *anyone* a 33% markup...

04-12-2006, 12:46 AM
I agree Jason totally and have fully disclosed it on my site but was really speaking about a scenario that was brought up during CES which opened my eyes as a consumer. This was the main reason for me joining DualCor full-time was the expandability of the cPC.

Interesting conversation.. My question to those who think the $2,000 price tag would be to high is, "Samsung Q1 UMPC" is priced over $1500.00 for a computer that has 256MB of Ram...

Don't you think you should reveal that you work for DualCor Technologies, Inc. (http://www.dualcor.com/executive.php) Dave? There's no problem with you defending your product, but you should at least be honest about your role in posting about the product, don't you think?

Well, one thing I can say about his approach as opposed to some others I have seen. He at least didn't sign up just to post a reply... I've seen some join forums just to reply to bad publicity and not admit they were part of the company.

04-12-2006, 01:28 AM
Nope proud to work for DualCor but honestly was posting a great comparison that was made to me by DualCor when I was interviewing the CEO for my site.

Don't Panic!
04-12-2006, 02:07 AM
[OT:] Dave, Boy have you mellowed. 8O

I'm dying to see a cPC up close. Even a 10 minute vid would do, something.

I went to see the Vaio today. It's a nice piece of kit but it's large compared to the cPC. At least according to that short c|net video (http://reviews.cnet.com/DualCor_cPC/4660-3121_7-6414596.html).

A fat psp maybe, hmm...

04-12-2006, 03:49 AM
Actually don't panic dlmag did a very nice video overview which was ten minutes which you would definitely like. The link is on DualCor's website.

[OT:] Dave, Boy have you mellowed. 8O

I'm dying to see a cPC up close. Even a 10 minute vid would do, something.

I went to see the Vaio today. It's a nice piece of kit but it's large compared to the cPC. At least according to that short c|net video (http://reviews.cnet.com/DualCor_cPC/4660-3121_7-6414596.html).

A fat psp maybe, hmm...

Don't Panic!
04-12-2006, 04:28 AM
Will it play while I'm accessing the net with PIE?

04-12-2006, 06:50 AM
I love it - the price is great if you are starting in marketing idiot Olympics. Finally I have something new to poke fun at. When it comes to pricing let it be know that we now have "Dumb and Dumberer" OQO being Dumb for pricing their PC and DualCOR Dumberer for the same. If DualCOR had any semblance of intelligence they would know that at $1500 OQO sold, well I am guessing here, but let's say about 10 units in the last 3 years. So to compete in this new market DualCOR decided it would be prudent to increase their price by 25% in hopes of selling about 7 units in the next 3 years? I fail to understand the logic here but then again I don’t have a fancy marketing degree just common sense. At $1500 DualCOR would be priced better than OQO but at $2K they are a laughing stock. Good luck boys let me know when you are ditching your stock on Woot or Overstocked and I will pick one or two at $.10 on the dollar. If I may suggest, please talk to PALM and their AUDREY pricing model to give you an idea as to where your toy is heading, however, I don’t think you will, since you already know your market so much better. :rotfl:

04-12-2006, 07:13 AM
I feel like I have to make an addition to the post. Thanks for this good link Jason: http://www.dualcor.com/executive.php - now if we look at this page closely....what do we see?

Everyone is smiling, no one seems to be able to keep a straight face, they must either all be thinking about how much money they will make or how ridiculous the DualCOR price really is. I am not a gambling man but my bet is on the latter part. It seems everyone is smiling except for poor Michael Wilson - the VP of Sales and Business Development. Why is that? Does Michael know something we don't, or is he already thinking about the fact that soon he will be looking for a new job.

Judging by his "CV" he does not have what you would call a Midas Touch. Zenith Data Systems? US Robotics, 3COM his CV reads like a technical obituary. Yep, the future at DualCOR is looking bleak, better get that resume dusted off and hand it over to the Monster.

04-12-2006, 01:51 PM
Well I hope everyone realizes nothing has been released from DualCor that is official. Also the Executive staff within the company are actually very tenured people who bring alot of expertise to the company. If I were you I would just hold off and see what the exact message will be then make your judgements.

BTW, the company is strong as can be, I wouldn't think we would be going out of business whatsoever.

04-12-2006, 04:04 PM
It seems everyone is smiling except for poor Michael Wilson - the VP of Sales and Business Development. Why is that? Does Michael know something we don't, or is he already thinking about the fact that soon he will be looking for a new job.

Judging by his "CV" he does not have what you would call a Midas Touch. Zenith Data Systems? US Robotics, 3COM his CV reads like a technical obituary. Yep, the future at DualCOR is looking bleak, better get that resume dusted off and hand it over to the Monster.

Reading over their bio's and such, seems like the management team is all pretty solid. But getting someone who was in charge of Business Development at 3COM and US Robotics in charge of the DualCOR project? I'd be concerned. Really concerned.

Also, a company has control over how much a partner/channel can price their product. It CAN be written in a contract. Again, a Business Development issue here...

Well, I'll just get my E-Ten M600 and wait for DualCor to fix their pricing or wait until something better comes along. And it will come along soon enough. I hope that DualCor can resolve this issue before they lose too many customers. I've worked for 2-person operations to Fortune 1000 companies and it will be a REALLY tough sell to anyone, especially corporate bean counters for this device at $2000.

Don't Panic!
04-12-2006, 04:08 PM
I wish I could by stock in Dualcor. The cPC is going to surprise a lot of people. I think the niche everyone is mentionong is a lot larger than anyone expects.

And PALM is doing well these days szamot. Their stock opened at 23.16 this morning.

04-12-2006, 09:05 PM
I think this device sounds great. I saw the CNET video and thought that what it was offering was pretty impressive. Besides the niche's already mentioned, it would be a great gizmo to take around when you don't quite need a top end laptop, but a PDA just doesn't have the "juice" you always need. Face it, it's a compromise device. Not everyone wants or needs the compromises this machine represents but there are plenty of professionals who would think that it was great. I really don't think that it has to be a niche market product if by niche you mean "small number of units sold."
Some LARGE niche markets with deep pockets that come instantly to mind would be: Mobile workforces who deal in sales, social workers who don't want to lug around large files and want to be able to sync with the office database when they go home, cops who would like the info they take in the field to be instantly accessible when they start writing their police reports, real estate agents who would like all their data at their fingertips but usually only need the PDA part, lawyers who want all their case info at their fingertips when the go to court but usually only need the PDA functions.
Properly marketed, this could move huge volume. The real estate and marketing guys alone could be millions of people. Big lawfirms have no price point. Gov't agencies buy in the crates once you complete the hard work of actually getting them to buy something.

BTW, I work in law enforcement and PALM shipments are getting stolen again, so I'm assuming there's now a pretty decent demand for palm devices out there. 8)

04-12-2006, 09:06 PM
Also, I hope this product sells like hotcakes so they increase their economies of scale and I can buy one later at 1k.

04-13-2006, 05:32 PM
I wish I could by stock in Dualcor. The cPC is going to surprise a lot of people. I think the niche everyone is mentionong is a lot larger than anyone expects.

And PALM is doing well these days szamot. Their stock opened at 23.16 this morning.

Yes Palm is doing fine, I stand corrected in my typo. What I was going to say is ask 3COM and thier AUDREY pricing and marketing efforts. I wonder if Michael was in charge of that little gem too?

04-13-2006, 05:41 PM
Well I hope everyone realizes nothing has been released from DualCor that is official. Also the Executive staff within the company are actually very tenured people who bring alot of expertise to the company. If I were you I would just hold off and see what the exact message will be then make your judgements.

BTW, the company is strong as can be, I wouldn't think we would be going out of business whatsoever.

Sorry to break it to you Dave but eventually everyone and everthing goes out of business.....

BTW, next time you guys sit around the boardroom table ask Michael if he had his hands in the Audrey pie at 3COM. IF he says yes, or he says he knows the guy who did, cash in your options and run Dave, run.

04-15-2006, 04:35 PM
I predict this will set sales records for the least soughtafter device ever. Won't fit easily in your pocket. Way too expensive for what it does and is. A laptop has more usability for less money.

04-18-2006, 03:06 PM

The cpc is an amazing device! I need one! My company will not buy one for me. I will need to fork out the cash.

Can you talk to your Dual-cor people and ask them to make the cpc available for anyone to purchase? Why should anyone question the price? This is a free market. Price is based on what the market care bare. If Dual-Cor is already planning on a consumer release, when is the target time frame? Christmas season? Can I be put on a waiting list?

Please don't tell me Dual-cor is not interested in my money.

04-18-2006, 04:00 PM

The cpc is an amazing device! I need one! My company will not buy one for me. I will need to fork out the cash.

Can you talk to your Dual-cor people and ask them to make the cpc available for anyone to purchase? Why should anyone question the price? This is a free market. Price is based on what the market care bare. If Dual-Cor is already planning on a consumer release, when is the target time frame? Christmas season? Can I be put on a waiting list?

Please don't tell me Dual-cor is not interested in my money.


04-18-2006, 05:03 PM

The cpc is an amazing device! I need one! My company will not buy one for me. I will need to fork out the cash.

Can you talk to your Dual-cor people and ask them to make the cpc available for anyone to purchase? Why should anyone question the price? This is a free market. Price is based on what the market care bare. If Dual-Cor is already planning on a consumer release, when is the target time frame? Christmas season? Can I be put on a waiting list?

Please don't tell me Dual-cor is not interested in my money.


So...I don't care.

I am looking for a response from Dave.