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View Full Version : 700w Activesync Initial Connection

03-28-2006, 04:13 PM
I just purchased a Palm Treo 700w and I have installed Activesync 4.1, but my device just hangs connecting and the 700w keeps coming up with the Synchronization Error that I must have Activesync 4.0 or higher installed on my computer. What gives? Anyone else have this problem? How do I establish a partnership?

Janak Parekh
03-28-2006, 05:25 PM
Hmm, ActiveSync 4.1 works just fine for me with my 700w. Have you tried completely uninstalling all versions of ActiveSync on your computer and reinstalling? Also, has anything been installed on the 700w?


03-28-2006, 06:18 PM
Nothing has been installed. I have completely removed all versions of ActiveSync and re-installed. I am running Windows XP Home edition and MS Outlook 2003. I am assuming I have a bad device and should probably return for a new one.

Janak Parekh
03-28-2006, 06:50 PM
It's possible... do you have access to another computer you can run a quick test on to eliminate the computer being the source of the problem?


03-29-2006, 01:04 AM
I'll see if I have any better luck on my desktop vs. my laptop.

03-29-2006, 10:15 PM
Well after getting on the phone with Palm techs we were able to figure out it was my firewall. We turned it off with no luck and did some registry editing with no luck. Only after doing a unintall of the firewall (Kaspersky) did it take. Everything synched ok, but now it snyching and a dialogue box has been open for about a half hour /forty minutes "Reading device databases" Is this normal for initial set-up?

Janak Parekh
03-30-2006, 05:54 AM
Well after getting on the phone with Palm techs we were able to figure out it was my firewall. We turned it off with no luck and did some registry editing with no luck. Only after doing a unintall of the firewall (Kaspersky) did it take.
A-ha! I'm sorry, I should have asked before. :( Your symptoms didn't match the usual firewall fare, but in retrospect it makes sense.

Everything synched ok, but now it snyching and a dialogue box has been open for about a half hour /forty minutes "Reading device databases" Is this normal for initial set-up?
No, that hasn't been my experience. 8O You may eventually have to kill it and see if it was a one-shot fluke.


03-31-2006, 04:27 AM
Well after further poking around and some questioning here on the boards I figured out it was after I attempted to load Pocket Money 2006 turned out to be the culprit. Seems Pocket Money and WM5 do not get along.

03-31-2006, 01:42 PM
Update: I reinstalled Kaspersky Sytem Mechanic 6 Professional which is my anti-virus and anti-hacker firewall and system maintenance program and the initial problem arose again. Google search of Treo 700w and Kaspersky Firewall revealed that the 700w will not work with Kaspersky's anti-hacker installed. Simply disabling will not work. I love this software, but I also love my Treo. Guess I'll have to look for something that works as well and is also Treo friendly.

Janak Parekh
03-31-2006, 05:16 PM
Update: I reinstalled Kaspersky Sytem Mechanic 6 Professional which is my anti-virus and anti-hacker firewall and system maintenance program and the initial problem arose again. Google search of Treo 700w and Kaspersky Firewall revealed that the 700w will not work with Kaspersky's anti-hacker installed. Simply disabling will not work. I love this software, but I also love my Treo. Guess I'll have to look for something that works as well and is also Treo friendly.
Is there a reason you don't find the built-in Windows Firewall sufficient? I guess if you really want an outbound firewall, it's not good enough... I personally prefer not to have an outbound firewall, and of course the built-in one works perfectly with AS 4.1.


04-01-2006, 01:23 AM
Nothing wrong with the built in Windows firewall I guess. Just when I installed the program it kind of sat itself ontop of the built in firewall. I finally have it up and running perfectly with synching and everything, however I have just learned that the 700w does not support voice dailing on bluetooth headsets.

Janak Parekh
04-02-2006, 05:13 AM
however I have just learned that the 700w does not support voice dailing on bluetooth headsets.
Well, I think this may be a software issue, but I'm not sure; I haven't tried. Most Pocket PCs have mediocre BT voice dialing support at best, and MS Voice Command, which is what the Treo has in ROM, is not "designed" to support voice dialing over a BT headset yet (although people have hacked it to work). :(


jlc, just jlc
04-04-2006, 05:37 PM
I had a similar problem that was fixed by going into Network Connections and binding the proper protocals - for some reason AS didn't do that during setup.