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View Full Version : Word Mobile (WM5) losing files.

03-19-2006, 08:05 PM
I'm now sitting down to re-write an article for the second time because Word Mobile keeps forgetting my most recently saved/closed version of it.

Can anyone help me with this issue? Why is Word disposing of my edits? In previous versions, closing a document with the "OK" button would save it. I'm sure I closed and re-opened these documents and saw my last version, but when I sent them to my editor, they were an old, unfinished version.

I think it has something to do with soft-resets and the new ROM-versus-RAM memory. I'd like to find some way to tell my Pocket PC "Save this! Save this now! Write this to your memory!"

Can this be done?

Patrick Y.
03-19-2006, 10:19 PM
hmm... Are you sure you opened the right file? Did you maybe saved two copies of file and you're opening the other file without changes??

The other solution that I can think of is that instead of pressing "OK", go to "file" and click "save as...".

Hope this helps.

03-20-2006, 11:42 AM
No, trust me. My editor and I use a very specific file naming convention. This was the file, and my changes were discarded.

Yeah, I suppose I can use "Save as", though it's a bit clunky. I'm also trying out the latest beta of TextMaker 2006, so I just used that instead for my third attempt at getting this done, and that worked fine.

I think it is a WM5/soft-reset issue. Or, rather, I'm guessing. Either that or the "OK" button registered a "Close" somehow and didn't ask me if I wanted to save my changed file, which seems unlikely.