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View Full Version : Audio Book Player Need Help

02-25-2006, 03:28 PM
I have just started listening to audio books on PPC, since my MP3 player does not handle secure files. I check out books from the city library internet site and they are in WMA secure files. Its a great way to get books (free).

Anyway Windows Media Player 10 is horrible for audio books, no bookmarks!

I have tried Pocket player 2.7 (trial version) but can not get the bookmarks to work or fast forward features to work.

I have Dell Axim 51V with Windows Mobile 5.0

Any suggestions?

Nurhisham Hussein
02-27-2006, 03:40 AM
schnapps14, it isn't necessary to post the same question in different areas of the forum - the regulars here will catch on to one post anyway, and the action might be misconstrued as spamming.

In answer to your question, have you looked at Pocket Music? That supports bookmarks (and can play audible.com content as well).

02-27-2006, 01:42 PM
Thanks for the tip on posting, am new to the forum. Meant to delete the one and place in multimedia.

Will try your suggestion and let you know