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View Full Version : vBar - the world's smallest task manager - version 2.2 is released

01-30-2006, 06:50 PM
vBar version 2.2 (http://www.vieka.com/vbar.htm) is released!</a>
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1. The world's smallest task manager for Pocket PC, including Windows Mobile 5. VGA &amp; QVGA resolutions are supported.
2. With yet another major contribution from Jonathan Misurda, vBar now supports Windows Mobile 5 QVGA &amp; VGA icons automatically.
3. Fix task list overlapping in Windows Mobile 5 QVGA.
4. Provide Tap &amp; Hold option for CLOSE. The default behavior is still CLOSE, not MINIMIZE.
5. Battery indicator now looks a bit like battery for easier recognization.