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View Full Version : Software Compatability

01-21-2006, 04:04 AM
I have an Axim x30 now. I'm getting a 700W tomorrow. Will the apps all work? I mostly use Pocket Informant, Pocket Breeze, Flex Wallet 2006 and Pocket Quicken.


Darius Wey
01-21-2006, 04:37 AM
The latest versions of all four applications should support Windows Mobile 5.0 and the square-screen display.

01-21-2006, 07:49 AM
NEWB here with new 700...where can I get FREE apps?

01-23-2006, 06:45 PM
NEWB here with new 700...where can I get FREE apps?

Dont know about the sqaure screen compatibility(though the OS will put a scrollbar for non-square apps).

Here are some..



01-29-2006, 08:59 AM
I'm still confused about backward compatibility.

I have a Compaq Ipaq 3835 and now a 700w. I'd like
to install some apps I paid for such as e-wallet (very old
version that came with the Ipaq) and Resco
game pack (specifically the scrabble clone Wordgame).
Is it likely that these will work on the 700w ?
Is there a risk that it could corrupt my new device?

Thanks for your help.

01-30-2006, 04:15 PM
I have a Compaq Ipaq 3835 and now a 700w. I'd like
to install some apps I paid for such as e-wallet (very old
version that came with the Ipaq) and Resco
game pack (specifically the scrabble clone Wordgame).
Is it likely that these will work on the 700w ?

I also have an iPAQ 3835 and can tell you that:

1) On some apps, even those upgraded for WM5, the right and bottom edges will be off the screen with no scroll bars. Specifically for me this was iGuidance from iNav and the MS Enterainment Pack, pre-PPC2003 version. This is obviously a pain if key buttons are located there.

2) Apps that require the Visual Basic Runtime, like Yahtz! will not run.

3) Others, like GPSdash2, do have scroll bars.

01-31-2006, 03:41 AM
Thanks for the reply.

Another question. I guess I want to try and install
Wordgame (Resco). Is my risk only that the app
may not work, and I simply uninstall, or could
I corrupt the phone and need a hard reset?

02-12-2006, 10:14 PM
handango's site lists apps that clearly haven't been tested and most likely should not be listed, like VGA today themes, don't think they will work. I have put together lists of apps that are known to work over at mobiltiytoday and pdaphonehome in the treo forums.