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View Full Version : Posting Avatar (moving JPG files) on Treo 700w

01-20-2006, 03:38 PM
Have any of you had success doing this on the new Palm 700w?

Jason Dunn
01-20-2006, 05:40 PM
Have any of you had success doing this on the new Palm 700w?

I don't have a 700w yet, but it's Windows Mobile so I can probably help you - I don't understand your question though. Avatars? On the Treo? Do you mean photos for the caller ID?

01-20-2006, 06:22 PM
Have any of you had success doing this on the new Palm 700w?

I don't have a 700w yet, but it's Windows Mobile so I can probably help you - I don't understand your question though. Avatars? On the Treo? Do you mean photos for the caller ID?

Hi Jason,

I mean moving JPGs or GIFs like these:


See my baby pictures mobing there?


Jason Dunn
01-20-2006, 07:15 PM
I mean moving JPGs or GIFs like these...See my baby pictures mobing there?

Ok, so that's an animated GIF. You should be able to transfer it over to the Treo like any other file, but I don't know how many programs will support animated GIFs. Did you want it to come up somewhere in particular on the Treo? Today screen? Caller ID?

01-20-2006, 07:18 PM
I mean moving JPGs or GIFs like these...See my baby pictures mobing there?

Ok, so that's an animated GIF. You should be able to transfer it over to the Treo like any other file, but I don't know how many programs will support animated GIFs. Did you want it to come up somewhere in particular on the Treo? Today screen? Caller ID?

Today's screen would be great.
My wife and colleagues would love to see it.
Can you try downloading it and posting it on your 700w?



Jason Dunn
01-20-2006, 07:58 PM
Today's screen would be great. My wife and colleagues would love to see it.

There don't seem to be many solutions for putting animated GIFs on the Today screen, but here's one:


You might also want to contact the developer of this product:


Maybe he can make a custom solution for you. :-)

01-20-2006, 08:05 PM
Today's screen would be great. My wife and colleagues would love to see it.

There don't seem to be many solutions for putting animated GIFs on the Today screen, but here's one:


You might also want to contact the developer of this product:


Maybe he can make a custom solution for you. :-)