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View Full Version : Problems with sprintDB: droplists - other database software preferable?

10-23-2005, 09:14 AM
Problem with SprintDB: Droplists


I just moved to PPC (Dell x50v) from Palm. While the Pocket PCs are technologically advanced, some software domains seems to be years behind Palm's, specifically databases and outliners.

I tried out every database recommended on dozens of websides. The best ones seem to be SprintDB and DB anywhere.

I do have quite considerable experience with databases on several platforms, but I am absolutely unable to realize a fonctioning droplist (variety of dropdown with value list) in SprintDB. It simply does not work.See my attributes:

Form: Mainform
Name: Analyseart (field where to value should be entered in)
Style: Droplist
Color: -
Font: Tahoma
Visible: yes
Locked: no
Tabstop: yes
distinct: no
ControlSource: langue.analyseart (langue = data base, analyseart: field the value should be entered in
DefaultValue: -
RowSourceType: ValueList
Rowsource: Analysis (to rectangualar boxes between) Description
ColumnCount: 1
BoundColumn: 1
VisibleColumn: 1
OutputExpr: -

Where did I make a mistake?


I am really not satisfied with the quality of Pocket PCs databases, specifically compared to Smartlistogo (Palm):

A. columns cannot be fixed; (very important on small screens)
B. poor form designers (see the problem above)
C. complicated query designers (code in SQL on the surface and not below).
D. user surfaces generally not very intuitive.

Are there databases I missed to try out?

Handbase: does not work with my working place arrangement: must be installed with an administrators account, data cannot be syncronized with a normal users account.

Data for all: not enough power
DB anywhere: very bad automatic form designer, unsufficient explanations if SQL-queries do not work etc.
Data on the run: comfortable and running quickly, but by far not enough power.

So I kindly would ask you to help me:

A. to resolve the problem with SprintDB
B. to inform me about more powerful and consistent databases for Pocket PCs

Thanks in advance