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View Full Version : Pop3 email synchronization with Outlook 2003

09-09-2005, 11:34 PM
I'm a new Pocket PC user and have a Ipaq rx3115 with wireless capability. I've set up my Ipaq to send/receive email using the installed Messaging program to access my pop3 account. It does that fine but when I try to synchronize the Ipaq with Outlook 2003 on my pc only the emails from Outlook sync back and forth. The emails I've sent using the pop3 account stay on my Ipaq. I can't figure out how to move those to Outlook. It seems that WebIS and VersaMail and Portamail cannot do that either. Any specific suggestions would be appreciated. I'm not computer expert so any suggestions have to be well spelled out.

09-10-2005, 01:15 AM
ActiveSync only works with the main Outlook inbox and the default Messaging inbox. To involve other accounts, you will need to add an ActiveSync enhancement like Intellisync, which greatly increases the sync flexibility to include subfolders in all PIM areas as well as Inboxes other than the default account.

09-12-2005, 05:01 AM
Thanks for the suggestion Yankeejeep. I'll give Intellisync a try.