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View Full Version : I really liked these eBooks...

08-10-2005, 08:09 PM
Hello all!

This post is for all of the romance fans out there. Amy Lake's The Carriage Maker's Daughter is really good. Also, I just finished reading a new novel by Kelly Clark Baugher. Finding Lilies . I think it's her first because I couldn't find any more book listings for her on the web. Anyway, this book is great! Couldn't put it down. Fictionwise has both of these books I think. And right now they're doing a 25% off deal. Anyway, just thought I'd pass these great reads along. I'm such a nerd, I know.


08-11-2005, 12:37 AM
And your very first post on PocketPC Thoughts is hyping two books? Do you get paid for that, or are you a special friend of the authors?

08-11-2005, 12:54 AM
Lol! Tregnier,
I wish I were being paid to talk about books. I just thought this site was interesting because I love eBooks as well as all other forms of literature. This particular forum is supposed to be about good eBooks people have read lately, am I not right? Let's see, I'll go ahead and plug away for other writers...I love Shakespeare, Dickinson, Wordsworth, and Shelley. I'm actually hoping they'll pay me post-humously for hyping them as well! :) Just joking! I'll forgive you for your misjudgement. (This time.)

Okay. Nuff said.
Have a great day!