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View Full Version : i-mate JAM Limited Edition Released

Darius Wey
08-03-2005, 04:00 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.geekzone.co.nz/content.asp?ContentId=4943' target='_blank'>http://www.geekzone.co.nz/content.a...?ContentId=4943</a><br /><br /></div><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/web/2003/wey-20050803-JAMLE.jpg" /><br /><br />Despite the name, this limited edition i-mate JAM is far from limited in functionality. According to <a href="http://www.geekzone.co.nz/content.asp?ContentId=4943">Geekzone</a>, it features the exact same specifications as that of the original JAM, except it also sports 128MB RAM, anti-virus software from CA, Skype on-board, a free 2-year extended warranty, and a free SD card. Those of you with alert senses will also notice the limited edition JAM featuring a distinct charcoal colour, as opposed to the standard silver.<br /><br />The device will be made available online and offline from mid-August in limited quantities.

Sven Johannsen
08-03-2005, 04:38 PM
I wish it didn't have a camera. Arrgh.

08-03-2005, 05:25 PM
How much will it cost? And will it be upgradable to WM 5.0?


08-03-2005, 05:31 PM
How much will it cost? And will it be upgradable to WM 5.0?


I am pretty sure imate said they were not making WM5 available as an upgrade for the imate Jam.

It would be good if the ltd edition came with a SD wiFi card

08-03-2005, 06:03 PM
If I see them make a WM5 upgrade, this will defnitely be my next device!

My poor olde ipaq 2210 is still kicking. But it could be an excuse for me to be more generous to my GF. :)

128 mb RAM. w00t! :D Can't have enough RAM to install Today themes

OTOH, the Samsung i730 is beginning to look atractive too, maybe.

08-03-2005, 06:06 PM
I am sure that while the service providers are not going to do upgrades, Imate is one of only two devices that actually runs WM5 with wm5 roms available everywhere, contrary to what Telcos and manufacturers say that the device lacks sufficient memory. In fact BigStore will give you 30 mb to play with of internal rom for personal use.

08-03-2005, 06:07 PM
I have recently switched from I mate Jam to Treo 650 and I have to say I am much happier. The screen is much brighter and that keyboard is GREAT! (I am still keeping my HP HX 4705 though). I don't see any point in buying this limited edition Jam since they can't be upgraded to WM5 because they only have 64MB ROM which is not enough to store OS and Apps.

Raphael Salgado
08-03-2005, 07:24 PM
As I stated on HowardForums, it's just another way to tweak out the sales of a existing product that, in one respect, the only thing "Limited" is its life cycle.

During a critical time when a new iteration of OS is just making its debut, they have to throw in "goodies" like this in order to sell the remaining supply off, especially if they're not going to make the effort to give it an shiny software upgrade.

The only upside is that they're probably doing exactly what PocketPCTechs is doing, and giving a boost of warranty instead of voiding it. But, of course, this new "Limited Edition" only hurts PPCT's business, that's about it. I, honestly, would not be heartily surprised if one actually cracks open this "Limited Edition" version, only to find that new RAM chips were resoldered onto these extra supply of motherboards just lying around in their manufacturing facility.

Wake up, i-mate. Do the right thing for once.

08-03-2005, 07:54 PM
Wake up, i-mate. Do the right thing for once.

Yup, except I don't think "right thing" is in their vocabulary. :devilboy:

08-03-2005, 09:13 PM
As I stated on HowardForums, it's just another way to tweak out the sales of a existing product that, in one respect, the only thing "Limited" is its life cycle.

During a critical time when a new iteration of OS is just making its debut, they have to throw in "goodies" like this in order to sell the remaining supply off, especially if they're not going to make the effort to give it an shiny software upgrade.

The only upside is that they're probably doing exactly what PocketPCTechs is doing, and giving a boost of warranty instead of voiding it. But, of course, this new "Limited Edition" only hurts PPCT's business, that's about it. I, honestly, would not be heartily surprised if one actually cracks open this "Limited Edition" version, only to find that new RAM chips were resoldered onto these extra supply of motherboards just lying around in their manufacturing facility.

Wake up, i-mate. Do the right thing for once.

What are they doing wrong? As you said, they had a lot of extra stock kicking around, right about a new OS is coming forth. If they don't do something like this how do you think they'll sell off the remaining stock? It's not going to hurt their business in any way, like having badly designed PPCs would hurt HP. And don't know if you realize or not, but the Imtae JAM is selling like hotcakes in Hong Kong and China. I'm sure that given the "buy new toys" culture in Hong Kong, they will gobble this "limited edition" like all the other new toys.

08-03-2005, 09:54 PM
I already have one of the upgraded Jams from PPCTechs but I think that this one is a great idea. It is the way the device should have been in the first place.

I wish all these annoying people would stop complaining every time something is released that doesn't have the next OS version. They are upgrading a current product, not really releasing a new one, and they have already announced that the next one will have the new OS. Heck, we don't even know what bugs there will be in the new OS, or how many of the nice third party apps. that we've purchased will be able to work on it, nor do we know for certain that its advatages will overcome its disadvantages. Yet, people complain. Just go with the flow and enjoy the present, the future will arrive soon enough and you'll find that it isn't as perfect as you think.

Everyone wants to get news of future releases well before they are available and then they complain that they have to wait so long to have it in their hands. How silly! It is nice to think about what will be available in a few months, but for now, try to enjoy the things you can actually get your hands on.

08-03-2005, 10:10 PM
What are they doing wrong?

Agreed, i cant c them doing anything wrong either... in my opinion this is a very good strategy... GOOD JOB IMATE...


08-04-2005, 01:20 AM
but for now, try to enjoy the things you can actually get your hands on.

sounds like what marriage is all about

08-04-2005, 01:50 AM
Yeah, really slick strategy to never offer customers an upgrade path, forcing them to buy new devices once a year... or less.

Slick for them, not-so-slick for us. Unless of course, ppc users enjoy getting screwed so much, as is hinted to here by those who state they don't mind it.

08-04-2005, 03:02 AM
really slick strategy to never offer customers an upgrade path.

if u dont like this brand or stragety, why bother!! there 4 or more other brands who provides the same HTC products :wink:


08-04-2005, 04:07 AM
really slick strategy to never offer customers an upgrade path.

if u dont like this brand or stragety, why bother!! there 4 or more other brands who provides the same HTC products :wink:


Firstly - it's the only brand easily available where I'm located.

Secondly - any of these other HTC resellers offering an upgrade? Nope. Doesn't exactly make it ok though...

08-04-2005, 04:35 AM
Secondly - any of these other HTC resellers offering an upgrade? Nope. Doesn't exactly make it ok though...

u r right!! but then dont just blame IMATE, coz although there 4 or more other companies offering the same products but its the most populer :wink: , right??

08-04-2005, 08:02 AM
Yeah, really slick strategy to never offer customers an upgrade path, forcing them to buy new devices once a year... or less.
Slick for them, not-so-slick for us. Unless of course, ppc users enjoy getting screwed so much, as is hinted to here by those who state they don't mind it.
No one is forcing anyone to buy new devices once a year or less! The Magician (iMate Jam/MDA Compact etc) is an excellent product and fullfills many users needs in a compact unit. The unit is selling very well - and frankly I am not wringing my hands and bemoaning the fact that it wont run WM5 - it makes absolutely no difference to how well it works, and from all the PPC's I have had, the Magician fullfills more (if not all) of my needs. When the time is right I may upgrade to a new unit - but I see no pressing need to do so yet!.

There is more than enough choice out there for people to purchase the unit that suits them most - no one is being forced to buy the Magician in any of its current guises. And no one that I am aware of ever knows that an upgrade to the next OS version WILL be available for ANY particular PPC when they purchase - Toshiba, HP and others have shown this to be true in the past! Presently HTC are not the only company who are not offering an upgrade path to WM5 either.

No one has been screwed, as you put it! Lets keep a little reality around here please! :roll:

08-04-2005, 08:42 AM
No one has been screwed, as you put it! Lets keep a little reality around here please! :roll:

Wow! Someone with a sense of proportion! 8O The sentiment is spot on - if you want a WM5 device, wait until they appear!

There are never any guarantees that a manufacturer will offer an upgrade to the latest OS; Casio, Toshiba, Dell (amongst others) have all been guilty of this in the past. Often, though, it's not their fault - how can they be expected to future proof their devices when Microsoft keep changing the base spec of the hardware?

Raphael Salgado
08-04-2005, 04:35 PM
Wow, I'm glad this topic opened up a bit and while I appreciate hearing from both sides of the coin, one must realize that there is NO defendable reason hardware-wise that Windows Mobile 5.0 cannot be implemented on an HTC Magician model device. People cry insufficient memory issues, but we have already seen that other devices with only 64MB of ROM, even an older HTC device, have Windows Mobile 5.0 installed or in its upgrade path.

The simple fact that they choose to throw more hardware at us instead of providing a software upgrade path because it makes more sense/cents to them is not fair to the consumer.

It's like being forced to buy a new suit when you could very well spice the same suit you have on with a different shirt and/or tie.

08-04-2005, 06:00 PM
Why isn't it fair to the consumer? No one has broken any promises. They never promised to provide future OS updates - you may expect them - but that is another thing altogether!
Your comparison with a suit is not a good example - as HTC have in fact offered the same suit with a new tie and shirt! You may have unreasonable expectations that are not going to be fullfilled in the real world - whilst I can understand your personal feelings to a degree, you need to learn how to deal with it. It is totally pointless crying 'Its not fair' - you the consumer ultimately have the power - its your money afterall - if you are that pissed off dont buy another HTC PPC ;-).
I doubt this discussion is happening anywhere outside of groups such as ourselves - and we are in a minority. The majority see a PPC as a tool - they don't expect OS upgrades, and frankly neither should we - if they turn up - great!.

08-05-2005, 06:44 AM
The majority see a PPC as a tool - they don't expect OS upgrades, and frankly neither should we - if they turn up - great!.

Agreed, PPC rnt ment to have an upgrade, if it gets one, then its like "WOW thats cool", if it doesnt, then its Normal... come on guys... easy :wink:

Darius Wey
08-09-2005, 04:46 AM
i-mate has just updated their website with the new JAM: http://www.clubimate.com/t-DETAILS_JAMCH.aspx

10-09-2005, 10:02 PM
This is very weird - I am getting conflicting tech data with regards to the RAM size. Some places claim 128MB, some 64MB.

On EBay, some sellers say 64MB RAM, some say 128MB.

Can anyone prove what size RAM it really has?

Darius Wey
10-10-2005, 03:04 AM
This is very weird - I am getting conflicting tech data with regards to the RAM size. Some places claim 128MB, some 64MB.

On EBay, some sellers say 64MB RAM, some say 128MB.

Can anyone prove what size RAM it really has?

The original i-mate JAM has 64MB RAM. This limited edition i-mate JAM has 128MB RAM.

Both still have 64MB ROM though.

10-10-2005, 03:30 AM
It would be interesting what size RAM my LimEd Mini XDA Charcoal will come as.

I bought and paid for the auction (U$525 delivered) already b4 I saw this thread. The auction says 64MB RAM.

I've been using 64MB RAM PDAs in the past and it has been enough for me, so if it really is 128MB RAM, then its a bonus :D

10-18-2005, 07:38 AM
Well, my O2 Mini "Limited Edition" has arrived.

As the auction has stated, its 64MB RAM and 64MB ROM.

It seems I am the first to post actual photos of this Limited Edition O2 Mini. Mind you I bought it from an EBay seller in HK and when it arrived, it had Australian warranty but the software CD and the manual is in German.


Its brand new and everything but I got it as quoted before, it was AU$699 delivered or U$520. But the weird part was the packaging "seemed" a little second hand. Just my guess - however the PDA was spotless, perfect condition - refurbished maybe?

Fell off the back of the truck maybe? :D

But yeah, I guess its good value for what I paid for it comparatively in Aussie markets, considering its still 64MB RAM and I am a happy camper.

Darius Wey
10-18-2005, 09:23 AM
Well, my O2 Mini "Limited Edition" has arrived.

As the auction has stated, its 64MB RAM and 64MB ROM.

There's a difference between the i-mate JAM Limited Edition and the O2 Xda II Mini Limited Edition. The new JAM sports a different colour, yet it also has 128MB RAM. The Xda II Mini Limited Edition was never designed with extra RAM -- i.e. it features the same specifications as the standard Xda II Mini, except it is just bathed in a matt black/grey finish.

10-18-2005, 09:26 AM
Well thats interesting - I would've thought both are the same thing considering the Imate Mini original and the O2 Mini are the same.

Darius Wey
10-18-2005, 11:47 AM
Well thats interesting - I would've thought both are the same thing considering the Imate Mini original and the O2 Mini are the same.

Usually, that is the case, though there is nothing stopping companies producing their own variants of a particular device.