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View Full Version : Really need a good recommendation for Email Alerts

07-02-2005, 02:31 PM
I've kicked off a marketing campign via the web that is yeilding lots of leads where I need to be IMMEDIATELY notified of their arrival. For some reason messages to my POP account are not getting through so I've also arranged for the leads to come to my MSN account. MSN has email alerts which I have enabled but I am not getting alerts.

I then set up Yahoo and that seems to work but I was disappointed in the amount of time it took to be notified (5 or more minutes). May be it was a fluke but I'd still like to know if there are other options.

I've considered just having the emails set to my mobile phone as well but the length of the messages is resulting in multiple messages making the continuity of reading the meassage annoying not to mention fillin up my phone with messages 3 to 1. I have a Pocket PC Phone using Cingular. Any suggestions?

07-03-2005, 03:25 AM
Check and see what services your cell phone provider can provide you with.

Telus in Canada has "My Inbox" where you can set it up to check your POP account for emails with key words or names and it will send an alert to your cell phone.

Another option is that your email messages can be downloaded to your phone but just configure it for headers only and then you can download the ones you want to your PPC phone.

The other option is to find out why the first two aren't working.