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View Full Version : Programming With Bluetooth on Windows Mobile

Peter Foot
02-20-2005, 11:00 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://channel9.msdn.com/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=42234' target='_blank'>http://channel9.msdn.com/ShowPost.a...px?PostID=42234</a><br /><br /></div>Anil Dhawan from the Windows Mobile team discusses the opportunities for Bluetooth development and demonstrates creating a Bluetooth application using eMbedded Visual C++ for Windows Mobile in this 30 minute interview.<br /><a href="http://channel9.msdn.com/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=42234"><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/web/2003/foot-bluetoothdev.jpg" /></a><br />There are also some useful links in the discussion thread for both managed and native resources for Bluetooth development. What types of applications would you like to see built around Bluetooth? If you are a developer what do you feel are the biggest challenges with the current APIs and libraries available?

02-20-2005, 11:42 PM
How about all those cool bluetooth things people can do on a mac, such as automatically Active-syncing when your pocketpc is within range of your pc, or apps to remote control your pc over bluetooth?

Bluetooth seems to require much too much user intervention on pocketpc's.


02-21-2005, 09:05 PM
peter a question, i saw in the video that in the bluetooth screen in the audiovox there is 3 options 1 Devices 2 Com Ports 3 Cancel... in my imate sp3i I dont have the Com Ports option (i have a bt serialports setup for another place) ... both are the same?

Peter Foot
02-22-2005, 12:17 PM
The exact options depend on the operator OEM, since the Microsoft stack doesn't expose a UI for setting up COM ports of it's own. I have the Orange version of the phone (SPV C500) and that has separate utilities for COM port and ActiveSync setup on the Start > Configuration menu.
Personally I'd like to see these tools more integrated into the Bluetooth control panel applet itself as it is confusing having different settings in different parts of the system.


02-22-2005, 01:48 PM
yeap that is what i thougth.. i have the feature in the same place (start configuration)