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View Full Version : x50v screen corruption issues?

Jonathon Watkins
01-18-2005, 01:01 AM
Guys, have you had any screen corruption problems with your X50v or X50's? I am having a few issue with mine. Just about every time I open a Word document, the bottom half of the screen gives an odd 'double layer' effect and I can partially see the background window
through it. It disappears when I open a file though.

As shown below I also very occasionally get an odd black and white grid effect when switching the unit on after it suspends. The only way out of that is to soft reset. This has happened three times so far.

(I have blurred the two appointments, but otherwise the photo shows exactly how my screen appeared).

Finally when using PIE with SE_VGA I often get part of the page not refreshing, especially the bottom part. Scrolling up and down repeatedly eventually gets did of the problem.

Has anyone else seen anything like this, or could it be that my hardware is... less than happy?

01-18-2005, 01:45 AM
Screen corruption issue? Nope.

May be time to call Dell.

01-18-2005, 02:36 AM
I've seen the Pocket Word behavior--I think it's a software bug--but nothing like that screen shot. Definitely sounds like you need either a reset or a replacement.

Sven Johannsen
01-18-2005, 06:16 PM
I realize it's an ugly thought, but anyone with wierd issues like this should always suck it up and do a hard reset. Play with the device for a while and see if the issue comes back on a 'pristine' unit. Unless it is a clear hardware issue, like no display, the sync connector broken, or the d-pad fell out, Dell tech support is likely going to have you do that before authorizing a replacement anyway.

If it doesn't fix it, then you can report that to Tech Support and they will be more responsive to a replacement. If it does fix it, you can restore from the backup you did (you did back it up before hard reseting right? ;) ) and see if it comes back. Typically though, if a hard reset fixes it, you should just re-build your PPC, taking care to check things out between apps to see if there is a conflict somewhere.

01-18-2005, 07:35 PM
I see the same thing when I open Tome Raider, but not on Pocket Word. I have not seen the issue in the picture that you posted.

Jonathon Watkins
01-18-2005, 08:35 PM
I realize it's an ugly thought, but anyone with wierd issues like this should always suck it up and do a hard reset.

Yeah, I had thought about that. :? I do tend to play with various bits of weird software in the course of researching posts, but I can't see how those symptoms would be caused by that. I don't have the bandwidth for a major rebuild and investigation at the moment. I'm inclined to live with it for the moment. Apart from the rare checker board lockup, it's not a big issue. I was just wondering if I was alone in having these symptoms. :)

Don't Panic!
01-18-2005, 08:57 PM
You're not alone. I see the same thing every now and then usually in conjunction with PIE + MultiIE + MS Reader on in background + returning from suspend mode. I also get the vertical bars screen issue usually with a Comination of PIE + MultiIE on in background + betaplayer + return from suspend. A soft reset always fixes it so I'm not sweating it.

Jonathon Watkins
01-18-2005, 09:13 PM
You're not alone. I see the same thing every now and then usually in conjunction with PIE + MultiIE + MS Reader on in background + returning from suspend mode. I also get the vertical bars screen issue usually with a Comination of PIE + MultiIE on in background + betaplayer + return from suspend.

Hmm, I'm running PIE with the PiePlus beta, though I did get this behaviour bfore this as well. I've also installed betaplayer.

I think I saw some of the screen corruptions before I installed too much software, so perhaps it's a firmware/hardware type of issue? I hope Dell release a firmware update soon that will fix this and make a rebuild more worthwhile.......

Don't Panic!
01-18-2005, 09:17 PM
Same here Jonathon, I install quite a bit of stuff myself just for the heck of it so I'd like a ROM update before I rebuild it too.

Sven Johannsen
01-18-2005, 11:00 PM
I realize it's an ugly thought, but anyone with wierd issues like this should always suck it up and do a hard reset.

Yeah, I had thought about that. :? I do tend to play with various bits of weird software in the course of researching posts, but I can't see how those symptoms would be caused by that. I don't have the bandwidth for a major rebuild and investigation at the moment. I'm inclined to live with it for the moment. Apart from the rare checker board lockup, it's not a big issue. I was just wondering if I was alone in having these symptoms. :)

It was somewhat of a generic post. I do a fair bit of screwing around with stuff too, but try to use something other than my primary device for that. Haven't seen this on my X50s. Don't use any of those programs BTW. Point was more for anyone with a wierd issue. Need to hard reset before you assign it to hardware.

Don't Panic!
01-19-2005, 12:26 AM
Plus I drop mine alot. I don't know if anyone else reads in bed but when I do it always tends to go over the side. Nice rug mind you so I'm not worried about the screen but repeated 2 foot drops cant be good for any naked device. I've got to find a flip case for the X50v with an extended battery!

Jonathon Watkins
01-19-2005, 12:40 AM
I've got to find a flip case for the X50v with an extended battery!

Agreed. The Sena case I have at the moment is nice - but only for regular batteries. As soon as I see any new about an extended battery case I'll post on it, but there's been nothing to my knowledge so far.