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View Full Version : Pocket PC 2002- SSL Websites

01-04-2005, 01:51 AM
I have a Dell Axim X5 with a Wireless Network Card running Pocket PC 2002 Premium. I live on a college campus that has wireless in every building including my apartment so the wireless would be nice. The problem is, because it is a college campus every computer on the network must authenticate. To authenticate you must go to a site and log in with your campus password. I cannot get to the site because it uses SSL. I tried it with the basic provided Internet Explorer and that did not work. I also downloaded and tried every broweser I could find online. Anyone who knows that any of the browsers compatible with Pocket PC 2002 or even better anyway around this would really help me. My wireless card is useless without this. Thank you in advance for any help.

01-04-2005, 08:39 AM
Apparently, IE has SSL but the systems will reject the browser:

Well there is a workaround in RegKing 2002 ( www.doctorce.com/regking.htm ), which allows users to change the web browser version to Internet Explorer 5.0 on Windows NT. While this fix is not ideal, it does allow users to access these resources in most cases.



01-04-2005, 08:00 PM
Thanks but unfortunately that did not work either. I noticed on the site it says that known suported browers include IE 6.0 and this make it appear as 5.5 so maybe that isn't enough. Any more ideas are appreciately I already tried regking 2003 because it makes it appear as IE 6.0 but of course becuase I have Pocket PC 2002 it will not install. Thanks

01-05-2005, 08:46 AM
Does the campus want VPN?

01-05-2005, 05:31 PM
Not familar with that, could you explain a little, or tell me what to try if that is what they need. Thank you

01-05-2005, 05:49 PM
VPN gives end-to-end encryption of a connection and is in standard use when logging in many business intranets. This explains the concept: http://computer.howstuffworks.com/vpn.htm

Example connection to University network: http://www.wireless.ubc.ca/vpn/pocketpc.html
and to another: http://kb.indiana.edu/data/amhh.help?cust=119062.45722.131
and general: http://vpninfo.csus.edu/vpnpocketpc_winCE_palm.htm. These are all 2002-PPC PDAs. Do the search below if you have a 2003-PPC.

Search Google for "vpn pocket-pc" to get more. I have never used it myself but search here at PPCthoughts for VPN; I remember it was discussed some time ago.
