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View Full Version : Problem with Infinite Synching on Files

Jimmy Dodd
01-03-2005, 05:00 PM
Starting last week, everytime I synch my iPAQ (h2215) ActiveSync goes into an infinite synching cycle on the Files type. It says "4 items not synchronized," then synchs them, but when the entire list of items is synched, the Files item status goes back to "4 items not synchronized." Then it all starts synching again.

Is there any way of determining which items ActiveSync is complaining about?

I'm using ActiveSync 3.7 (build 3083).

Jeff Rutledge
01-03-2005, 05:15 PM
I've had this happen a couple of times with my iPAQ. I wasn't able to determine the offending files. What I did to fix it was:

1. Disconnect your device.
2. On your PC, move all files from your Pocket_PC My Documents (or whatever you've called it) folder to another, temporary location.
3. Delete all the files from your device's My Documents folder.
4. Connect (Files should now be synchronized with 0 files present).
5. Copy the files back on your PC from the temp folder to the sync'd folder.
6. AS should copy the files back to your device, without any unresolved items.

Hopefully that works for you.

Jimmy Dodd
01-03-2005, 06:01 PM
Yeah, that's what I've had to do in the past. I was hoping for an answer to why this happens so as to avoid it or a way to figure out which are the offending files. Oh well, brute force is always good, too.


01-04-2005, 01:11 AM
Hi guys, I seemed to be getting the same infinite synching on my PPC but the way I fixed it when it occurred was to:

1. Stop the activesync process.
2. Restart activesync (w/o synching).
3. I would then toggle off the File synch option (Tools -> Options, toggle off file), then resync. This would sync ok without the infinite synching problem.
4. I would then toggle on the File synch option (as per above but turning it on).
5. Resync the your ppc and it should say unrelsolved.
6. Select the 'Resolve items' which will give you the option of either overwriting the desktop files or the ppc files. I chose desktop files guessing that the ppc files were corrupt. After that I got no unresolved files.

This may/may not work for you but for me it happens when I have my ppc synched via bluetooth and I take the ppc out of range of the bluetooth connector. I also had a program installed called PlanPlus for the PPC which seems to also affect it. I now disconnect from my bluetooth connection if I will be out of range. I also uninstalled the direct link to the Planplus for PPC (this may or may not affect it). I will try to reinstall this again. Now I do not get the issue.

In short, I am guessing that it is related to a file corruption which cannot sync and maybe a software issue, as well.

Hope this helps.

Jimmy Dodd
01-04-2005, 02:45 PM
Well, after some detective work I figured out what my problem was.

I have an app (which will remain nameless to protect the innocent) on my device that can synch with two different apps on the desktop. You set it up in ActiveSync as to which way you want it to convert the file when going from the device to the desktop and when going from the desktop to the device. On the desktop you have two different extensions, say .xxx and .yyy. On the device you have one extension .yyy.

I had ActiveSync set up to convert desktop .xxx files to device .yyy files, as well as desktop .yyy files to device .yyy files.

I had accidentally copied two files (say myfile.xxx and myfile.yyy) into the same folder in my synchronized folders collection. ActiveSync would compare desktop file.yyy with device file.yyy and synch (updating the synch timestamp). Then it would compare desktop file.xxx to device file.yyy and synch (updating the synch timestamp). This would make desktop file.yyy older than device file.yyy so they would synch again, and so on... :oops:

So ActiveSync gets a pass on this one. It was all my fault.