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View Full Version : O2 XDA II Mini/i-mate JAM Owner with Bluetooth question

12-31-2004, 10:48 AM
Hi all,

Just wondering if it is possible to configure things such that bluetooth can turn on when the phone starts ringing? The reason I would like this as I would like to use a bluetooth headset but don't want to have bluetooth on all the time.


Matt Kitchen
01-02-2005, 01:03 AM
Hi Zetsurin. I am reviewing the JAM for my site right now, so I have some familiarity with it.

Unfortunately to my knowledge there is no way to do what you are asking. Luckily Bluetooth does not eat up a tremendous amount of extra battery like leaving WiFi on would for other devices. I have been pairing my review unit with a Motorola BT headset on and off - and I have left Bluetooth on the whole time during all uses and am still squeezing about 2.5 days of full use out on one charge - which is very good for a Pocket PC phone.

For a comparison/experiment, just use your device normally for 1 day w/ Bluetooth off the whole time, and then leave it on the full time next day. Results should be very similar.

Enjoy the phone though, I know I am - it is amazing!

01-04-2005, 06:36 AM
I haven't used it myself yet, but I have been told that you can use this freeware program to do just that:


Matt Kitchen
01-04-2005, 07:47 AM
Very interesting linkage firewired - i will have to test that out when i get a chance. Thanks!

01-04-2005, 02:18 PM
I need to upgrade the BT stack on my Jam to the Widcomm 1.4 version so it will connect with my keyboard (Dell branded Stowaway). Do you know of any way to do this or am I stuck waiting for Stowaway to support the Jam's stack or imate to release a ROM upgrade? Thanks.

Matt Kitchen
01-04-2005, 03:36 PM
Unfortunately I am afraid that something like that is beyond me. Don't know what to tell you at the moment - other than contacting i-mate directly to see what they would say about it - they are usually very helpful.

01-04-2005, 04:33 PM
Oh well, thanks anyways... off to call imate...

01-04-2005, 04:37 PM
Don't know if that has been addressed over there, but have you tried Howard Forums?

There are a lot of people over there who seem very BT knowledgeable:


01-06-2005, 03:34 AM
I haven't used it myself yet, but I have been told that you can use this freeware program to do just that:


Wow, thanks very much for that firewired. I'll try it out and report back. I'll have to wait until I can catch up with my mate who has a BT headset again though.

By the way, I'm about to post a little review about a silicon skin I just received for my XDA II Mini off ebay in this forum if anyone is interested.

01-09-2005, 09:35 AM
try this buggy software --- OZBT ----- , IT DOES WORK! but not stable

Just add the ' PHONE ' in the ' if windows is active '
and use microsoft (SDK)

it will turn on BT after (default) 1.5 sec, there are other string to change the value too

Since I dont have a BT headset, I only use Bluetooth for activesync.
I set the BT on when Resco explorer is active, since it has the 'EXIT' to proper close the software.
Resco ON = BT ON, Resco OFF = BT OFF
then press the 'repllog.exe' on the today screen to sync (using tdlaunch)
Pretty handy

Just keep in your mind, VERY UNSTABLE....
THe author doesnt have a XDA II (or IIs, IIi, II mini etc ) to test , cos XDA II are the only phone that use stupid MICROSOFT bluetooth stack...

Anyway, I still love my XDA II mini... though it's using the stupid MS stack... maybe it ll improve a little bit after 2 or 3 updates....