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View Full Version : help: looking 4 electric software

12-10-2004, 09:11 AM
i'm looking for electrical engineering software to make calculation on easy circuit.


Darius Wey
12-10-2004, 10:37 AM
This (http://www.handango.com/ampp/store/PlatformSoftwareSection.jsp?&special=&platformId=2&bySection=1&siteId=311&sectionId=1433&catalog=30&title=Computer+%26+Engineering) page may be of interest to you. :)

12-10-2004, 01:17 PM
Thanks Darius! I'm looking for the same thing as well (electronics/electrical engineering). By the way, do you happen to know which one is the best/popular?

Darius Wey
12-10-2004, 01:22 PM
Thanks Darius! I'm looking for the same thing as well (electronics/electrical engineering). By the way, do you happen to know which one is the best/popular?

I wouldn't have a clue, since I'm not an engineer and I have no real use for the software. :) I only knew of the link because I've done a lot of "browsing" at Handango before. Although, you might want to keep in mind that the link I provided is ranked by popularity, so hopefully that provides you with some sort of head-start in finding a product that best suits what you're looking for.

12-12-2004, 07:45 PM
Thanks Darius! I'm looking for the same thing as well (electronics/electrical engineering). By the way, do you happen to know which one is the best/popular?

I wouldn't have a clue, since I'm not an engineer and I have no real use for the software. :) I only knew of the link because I've done a lot of "browsing" at Handango before. Although, you might want to keep in mind that the link I provided is ranked by popularity, so hopefully that provides you with some sort of head-start in finding a product that best suits what you're looking for.

Thanks anyway :)