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View Full Version : Wireless email dilemna - looking for advice

11-21-2004, 05:05 AM
I am in the market for a Pocket PC. I had one of the original iPAQs that died a while back and I am ready to get back into the wolrld of PDAs.

Here's my dilemna:
I need to get wirless access to my company emails (not my personal POP3s). I am a field rep and many of my colleagues have Blackberrys that our IT dept has setup for them. These co-worker can receive their Lotus Notes emails on their Blackberries. I think the IT dept has a Blackberry server. Therefore, if I got a PPC I would not be able to get my emails in this manner. Also, I use a Verizon cell phone and I live in the NYC area. I will not give up the Verizon phone which has the best reception in this area.

I do not want to get a Blackberry because the functionality of a PPC is to powerful to give up. I have been told that there will be a "plug in" for PPCs that will allow the Blacberry RIM technology to be put on a PPC? I was told that there is litigation going on to allow this in the USA. Can anyone expound on this? Can anyone offer any advice?
My dream would be to have a PPC that I can receive my corporate Lotus Notes emails on.

Pete R.
New York

Sven Johannsen
11-21-2004, 05:41 AM
I can give you some generic insight. Don't know anything about the RIM?PPC thing.

There is a Lotus Notes client for PPCs. Several in fact. The one that seems to be tauted and reviewed as the best is MNotes by CommonTime.

It is not going to give you that push technology you get with a Blackberry, but you can pull mail, etc. at intervals automatically. It does require the IT guys to allow access to the Lotus server from the network/internet. They likely do that for laptop users already.

11-21-2004, 07:08 AM
My firm uses Lotus Notes but most users can connect to Notes via POP3 (so we can check mail via Internet for home/hotels, etc.). I have used my PPC (with standard mail app) to check email wirelessly for several years. I currently have an issue where I cannot send an email wirelessly to someone outside of our domain, but that's due to some new spam blocking issues that IT is working through.

Our IT Department recently setup a Blackberry server and several people are now using them, but like you I cannt do without my PPC. You should check to see if IT has setup access to Notes from the Internet. I think they need to give you a Notes Internet password, but aside from that (and knowing your server address) it should work.