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View Full Version : iPAQ 1945 ROM 1.10 Sandisk WIFI PROBLEM

10-24-2004, 12:59 AM
I have an ipaq 1945 and i am using a sandisk SD wifi card and it worked fine till i upgraded to the 1.10 ROM downlaoded from HP's website.
after i flashed the new ROM, the pda wouldn't connect to ANY access point. 8O


Janak Parekh
10-24-2004, 05:05 AM
Did you hard reset the unit and reinstall apps + drivers? Generally, you have to do so after a ROM update. (But make sure you backup first!)


10-24-2004, 07:46 PM
yes i have hard reset unit and reloaded the drivers.
i work for a company that owns several of the ipaq 1945's and the ones that have the new 1.10 ROM cant connect to any access point anymore. i dont know what to blam, sandisk or hp! :roll:

Janak Parekh
10-24-2004, 07:51 PM
:( The only other suggestion I have is to make sure you're using the latest driver from Sandisk. If that doesn't work, I'd probably return the SD cards if I still could and try Socket's, amongst others.
