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View Full Version : New SanDisk 256 card has screen conflicts-help!

09-29-2004, 08:12 AM
I think that I must be the last hold out using the e-125, and maybe this is payback for saying that I hadn't had anything go wrong. I've been using a 64 mb CF card (Lexar) for at least a yr, and I just put it in and left it. with out any trouble. I had almost maxed it out... so I just got a 256 SanDisk and transferred the info on to that and put it in. I immediately had screen problem.. it would go black and not turn on, but if it was in the cradle it would sync as if the unit was on. (as it was) I could push the on button and turn it off, and activeSync would respond as if it was off, and then the same would be true the other way. I just took out the 256, and the unit came on.. actually I think the screen just lit up, it seemed to be on anyway. I then put the lexar back in, and the screen would respond, and I've been checking it and it still turns on and off. I've been using the keyboard a lot lately to write my e-mail away from the computer, and that is the only difference to the way I've been using it. Is it a bad CF card? or is my battery finally going? I really wanted to have more room to work with. Is this where I have to decide to move up?
Any advice and help would be appreciated. The only thing that I don't have is space, and wifi, and the CF seemed the best answer to that.

09-29-2004, 08:27 AM
I just had it turn off (screen display) and not turn back on with the lexar in, and if I pushed the case it came back up, but it didn't last. Now it won't turn the display screen on, even when it is in the cradle. the on button turns it on and off, as I can stop activeSync by turning it off. Has it reached the end of it's screen life? I've used it every day for at least 3 yrs and read books for hrs at a time, usually every day, and if the battery was low I had a second cradle that I used to read while charging. What does anyone think?

11-12-2004, 10:38 PM
If the screen works with the other cf card and without any, I would suggest it is not the screen. Some cards (usually modem/wifi) draw to much power and cause system glitches. I would take the card back and see if another card or brand works. Good luck, I'm still using my eg-800 everyday (ruggedized e125) so your not alone.

11-13-2004, 12:02 AM
Thanks for the reply... after such a long time. I finally decided that the screen back light was toast, and had given up the ghost. I can send it to Casio to repair, and will, but I ended up with withdrawal syptoms (no e-book access!) and ordered a dell axiom x30 high. I love the wi-fi with it, and am hooked... and am waiting for the x50v. I'll pass the casio on to my son, who still hasn't got any way to read e-books.

11-13-2004, 02:42 AM
I had a Casio e-115 that suffered the same fate. I had it in a drawer for a few months as I used my new 3850, and decided to bring it out to use for just random stuff, but as IU was reading a text doc that night the screen flickered and died.. so sad, Casio's had the best screen, i believe, to this day. Just so radiant and brilliant...

11-13-2004, 06:27 AM
Yes, I haven't seen a screen thati is as brilliant... but I'm busy scanning a whole stack of photos, and I'm replying on my dell, so the wireless makes up for the screen. Maybe if the x50v ever comes (not sure that it is .... such confusion from dell customer support!!)... that vga screen will blow everything else out of the water.
The Casio support says that they can fix the light, so I will do that. hopefully the light isn't worth more than the unit!

04-01-2005, 06:12 AM
Probably will considering its age! Its kinda weird isn't it... things get cheaper and accessories get cheaper, and at a certain point, they start going the other way, back up again because of lack of new stuff and demand.

04-01-2005, 09:09 AM
It's been so long since I started this thread, but I thought I'd reply.
I never got around to sending the Casio away, and my son wanted it, and finally picked it up and hit it on it's side, and it's been working ever since! Now I'm left with the accessories that he didn't want, a modem, and keyboard!
I do think that the repair would have cost more than the unit was worth! Nice of it to respond to persuasion!

04-01-2005, 10:23 AM
I wish I had a keyboard for my Mini. Would be great for taking notes and writing essays in school (I'm in Yr11)

04-01-2005, 06:04 PM
a keyboard liberates and moves the ppc into a functional little computer. I'm not without one for my x50v, and I really loved the Casio one... it is on an angle and beautiful to use. The best one I had was for the x30h that I had briefly... that was thinkOutside wired one and worked anywhere (even on my lap). have you looked for a keyboard? what about a bluetooth one? I'm not all that up on th xda... I just went and looked at it... you have bluetooth capability??? how about pairing with a bluetooth keyboard.?