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View Full Version : iPaq 6315 - Post Connection keypad tones for access

09-16-2004, 09:16 PM
I have found that I cannot access certain post connection services via keypad (e.g., accessing certain conference call line after establishing connection to network) while other times, e.g., employer's voice mail, tones work fine to enter mailbox and password.

This is my first experience with Pocket PC Phone. I never had this issue with regular cell phone. I'm not sure why this capability would depend on the connection made.

I can't believe it's a first time issue, but my search of archives found nothing.

Any ideas?

09-24-2004, 12:43 PM
Follow up. I've tried two ideas:
-using a separate tone dialer. requires another hand held device. works ok with normal, BT headset, and speakerphone.
- trial phone tone software loaded to pda. only worked with speakerphone. Normal and headset modes would not get tones.

I also found problem is only issue in accessing particular bridge number after reaching access line. Subsequent tones, after reaching bridge line, to authorize my own bridge for others, change line status, or ask for operator work fine.