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View Full Version : Ipaq 5555 ROM Update - Crashes

09-14-2004, 09:40 PM
I have a 5555 with a Crashed ROM Update problems, today its turns On but, stay on the first screen

“HP IPAQ – Pocket PC” and the bar under this text runs 1/3 only.

I was using 1.00.13 ENG ROM and tryed to run a SPxxxx.EXE with updates to 1.10 ROM for Windows PPC 2003.
After the initial update screen the Ipaq booted and never come alive again...
I search on the net and lots a users are having the same problems, worst on 54xx and 55xx series. In the older series 3xxx we have the Parrot screen with allow to you make a Remote USB ROM Update which I know doesnot exitst on 5xxx series.
I found some hidden funtions:

Reset + Power + Joytisck + Mail + Appl = Screen with a progress bar, but nothing more.

Reset + Appl + Calendar = Screen with HP Logo, but nothing more.

I know and found a program called ROMUPDATE which allows you to make a serial download of the rom, but I need to know how to put the 5555 on update mode???

Any ideas, comments??

[email protected]