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View Full Version : Someone please help

09-02-2004, 03:36 PM
I have an IPAQ 1940. I wanted to install the latest ROM update, so I backed up my device using MS Activesync, I managed to successfully install the latest update but when I tried to restore the backup, all I got was a device mismatch error and something about the backup file being created from a different type of mobile device, bla bla.
I think that was due to the ROM update.
Does anyone have any suggestions? I would be prepared to go back to the old ROM version but where can I get that from?


Darius Wey
09-02-2004, 03:54 PM
I'm not 100% sure but I'm quite certain that it is due to the ROM update, as the backup was made with a particular ROM, and now you are restoring to a different ROM.

I'm not sure where you can get the original ROM from as I know the HP support website only provides a link for the latest ROM. I do have a copy of the original ROM on disk as HP had a link to it for a short period of time a few months back. I'd provide this to you although (1) I don't know if HP allows for this as it is their "property" in a sense, and (2) I do not have the server space for this at the moment.

09-02-2004, 04:09 PM
You should NOT restore backups after doing a rom upgrade, you need to clean install your software. The rom upgrades install new files to rom and completly clear your device, restoring a backup can lead to new files being over written etc.

Bottom line is you need to manually reinstall all your software...

Hard reset your device and start from afresh with the new rom

Sven Johannsen
09-02-2004, 10:29 PM
If you sync with Outlook and have file sync turned on, everything you need is still available on your desktop, contacts calendar, My documents files, etc. Anything you had on an SD card is of course still there. The only thing that may have been lost is things in iPAQ File Store, which is pretty small. I have not had a ROM upgrade erase files in a file store, though the instructions indicate it might.

Just reload your apps from scratch and re-partner your PPC.