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View Full Version : dhcp issues

Chris Pi
08-05-2004, 03:29 PM
I had a bit of an issue connecting my Ipaq 5550 to my Linksys 802.11b router this morning. It had worked beautifully for a long time but when I tried to connect my pda to the internet this morning it wouldn't connect. No email, pocket internet, or streaming, over wireless. I tried a bunch of stuff and couldn't figure it out. Then I changed the number of allowed connections under DHCP on my router from 3 to 5. Then I was able to connect. Now I've got a PC, Laptop, and Pocket PC that are connected to the router by cable, wireless, and wireless respectively. That gave me the original number of 3 to enter under number of devices for DHCP. Does anyone know why changing it to five would affect the glitch?

To make matters stranger I hard reset the router which defaulted the DHCP number of connections to 50. This didn't work so I changed it to 5 and things worked again. If 3 is too little and 5 works, shouldn't 50 work as well? Very confusing stuff, maybe somethings gone with the hardware.


Steven Cedrone
08-05-2004, 03:33 PM
Maybe you need to change the lease time to something shorter...


Chris Pi
08-05-2004, 08:25 PM
Maybe you need to change the lease time to something shorter...


It was set to once a day so I set it to every 60 minutes. What do most people set it to?

Steven Cedrone
08-05-2004, 10:05 PM
It all depends on the need. A place like Starbucks probably sets it for very short times (as they have alot of people signing in and out of their wireless network). See if 60 minutes works for you. If you run out of IP addresses again, make it even shorter (it won't effect your ability to use the WAP)...


Chris Pi
08-05-2004, 10:39 PM
Ok Steve, thanks for the help.
