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View Full Version : iPAQ h2210 + Bluetooth headset = no sound?

07-28-2004, 10:37 AM
Dear all,

I just bought a bluetooth headset for my mobile phone. I tried to use it in my h2210 by enabling the registry, i.e., changing \KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Widcomm\BtConfig\Services\0005\Enabled value from 0 to 1 (so I can see the audio gateway page in Bluetooth Setting). However, after I paired the headset and h2210 and connected them (as pressed "accept call" button in the headset), I cannot hear any voice from the headset. When I played mp3 by the Media Player, the sound comes out from the PPC instead of the headset.

Is there anything I need to set so that I can hear the sound?

Thanks a lot!!


Pat Logsdon
07-28-2004, 04:08 PM
You need to set the audio to go through the BT dll. Go to “HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\WaveDev\”, find “DLL” and change the value to “BtCeIf.dll”. Then do a soft reset and try again.

07-28-2004, 05:04 PM
You need to set the audio to go through the BT dll. Go to “HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\WaveDev\”, find “DLL” and change the value to “BtCeIf.dll”. Then do a soft reset and try again.

Do I need to change it back to original "wavedev.dll" when I do not use BT headset?

Thanks !!

Pat Logsdon
07-28-2004, 05:17 PM
You need to set the audio to go through the BT dll. Go to “HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\WaveDev\”, find “DLL” and change the value to “BtCeIf.dll”. Then do a soft reset and try again.
Do I need to change it back to original "wavedev.dll" when I do not use BT headset?
Nope - you can keep that setting without any problems.

07-29-2004, 02:10 AM
You need to set the audio to go through the BT dll. Go to “HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\WaveDev\”, find “DLL” and change the value to “BtCeIf.dll”. Then do a soft reset and try again.
Do I need to change it back to original "wavedev.dll" when I do not use BT headset?
Nope - you can keep that setting without any problems.

It works, thanks!! :D

By the way, does this setting also allow my BT headset for voice recording?

Pat Logsdon
07-29-2004, 02:34 AM
By the way, does this setting also allow my BT headset for voice recording?
I couldn't get it to work, but if you figure it out, please share! :mrgreen:

07-29-2004, 04:37 AM
I faced another problem. After changing the DLL name, my 2210 cannot turn on after turning it off. I need to soft-reset it. After restoring the registry, it works normally again.

Did you face similar problem?

Pat Logsdon
07-29-2004, 04:49 AM
Nope - that didn't happen to me. Did you turn bluetooth off before you turned the unit off?

07-29-2004, 05:08 AM
Nope - that didn't happen to me. Did you turn bluetooth off before you turned the unit off?

Yes. I only turn on BT when needed and turn it off once finished. I just do the following test:

- change the DLL registry to BT file
- soft-reset
- turn PPC off
- turn PPC on but failed!! :cry:
- soft-reset
- change the DLL registry back
- soft-reset
- turn PPC off
- turn PPC on and successful

All are done with BT turned off....

08-30-2004, 04:42 PM
edwardl: Yeah, I have the same problem with my 2215 not turning on after I turn it off, and requiring a soft reset to get it back on. What I noticed is that even though the screen won't turn on, it looks like the 2215 is on and draining batteries (particularly since I leave my cf wifi card in the slot). I'm going to try returning the registry values to original and hopefully that works. Just not worth the risk (considering the sound quality isn't all that great either).

09-02-2004, 03:23 AM
edwardl: Yeah, I have the same problem with my 2215 not turning on after I turn it off, and requiring a soft reset to get it back on. What I noticed is that even though the screen won't turn on, it looks like the 2215 is on and draining batteries (particularly since I leave my cf wifi card in the slot). I'm going to try returning the registry values to original and hopefully that works. Just not worth the risk (considering the sound quality isn't all that great either).

It seems that HP has made some tweaks that make 2210 cannot use BT audio gateway even the registry is modified!! :( :(