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View Full Version : Activesync over Bluetooth

05-29-2004, 12:10 PM
I'm sure this has been discussed before, I just can't find the answers I need. Hopefully someone can help me. I have Activesynce 3.7 and PocketPc 2002 and can't get it to sync through bluetooth. I can get my Pocket Pc to connect to my dial up modem and surf the web, no problem. My Laptop and Pocket Pc with see each other but thats it. Also I can't seem to find what COM port my usb bluetooth adapter is on my Laptop.

This is a great forum, everyone is always helpful,


05-29-2004, 03:52 PM
Also I can't seem to find what COM port my usb bluetooth adapter is on my Laptop. what do you need this information for?
when you set your BT dongle for serial, modem or something it assigns a virtual serial port to your devices. you always deal with these settings.
for my computer com3 is active stink, com4 is generic serial and com5 is BT modem.

05-29-2004, 05:31 PM
I'm can't get it to Activesync, in the connection setting of Activesync I have checked the box that says Allow serial cable or infared connection to this COM port.

It gives me these choices, 1,4,5,6,7,8 and infared.

On my Pocket PC I get lots of choices to synchronize.

19200 default
ambicom btlan

I know it must be something easy I'm hoping you can help.


05-30-2004, 09:54 AM
on the pocket pc it is obvious you'll choose BT connection.
on the pc side right click BT icon, choose local services and write down the com port number which is assigned to active stink than
right click AS icon on the tray icon and settings. select the com port you wrote down, and unselect connect with usb chech box
thats all you have to do

05-30-2004, 01:32 PM

On the PC side I can't find what you are talking about. What bluetooth icon? All the ones I can find don't do anything. When I open bluetooth neighborhood, I can click on my Laptop and it will show me its services:
Object push, dialup networking, Lan access networking, serial port and file transfer. I can find all the services my bluetooth devices have, but nothing to do with activesync.

05-30-2004, 08:09 PM
i am talking about the icon on the system tray.
the BT neighborhood contains the connection shortcuts.
the ones you configured befoure. i cant imagine a BT dongle which doesnt have syncronization profile. try to activate the tray icon in the settings menu

05-31-2004, 03:46 AM

I don't get an icon in my system tray until I open Bluetooth Neighbors.
Nothing happens when I right click on it or dbl left click.

Where would I look to activate the the tray icon, I can't find it anywhere.

Thanks for your patience in helping me.

05-31-2004, 10:56 AM
Thanks for your patience in helping me.
no problem buddy, we are here to help
ok lets try this. i assume that you are using windows xp.
enable common tasks in the explorer settings. open my bluetooth devices.
on the left there is a " view or modify configuration" option in "bluetooth tasks" submenu. (at least mine has)
if you find this open local services tab. the settings are there.

05-31-2004, 06:02 PM
I'm using Xp home.

You will have to explain it in a little more detail I can't find what you are talking about."enable common tasks in the explorer settings..."

06-01-2004, 09:19 AM
ok i am taking this personal. i'll send you screenshots when i have the time

tom dunne
06-03-2004, 08:05 PM
Having pulled out most of my hair trying to get a my Axim synched over bluetooth, I think I may be able to help here. First of all, what hardware are you using? Give us everything, especially the bluetooth gear you are using on the PDA and the laptop.

You mention Ambicom in one of your posts. I assume you mad the same mistake I made and purchased the Ambicom Compact Flash card? Piece of crap. But that's another discussion. As you correctly say, on the PDA, set the sync option to bluetooth.

On my laptop, I have a Belkin USB dongle. I right-clicked on the bluetooth icon in the system tray (bottom-right hand corner of your screen). The really should be an option to configure BT. Open this up. There should be something along the lines of "Services this computer will provide" (this computer, being the laptop, of course). I was able to set my ActiveSync service to COM7.

Now fire up ActiveSync on the laptop. Click File->Get connected. It should scan all ports (including COM 7). On the PDA, click on "Go ActiveSync". It should try and connect, via COM7 to ActiveSync.

Let us know how you get on.

06-06-2004, 03:38 AM
http://www.geekzone.co.nz/content.asp?contentid=449 thishelped me to get somewhere. if you installed a bluetooth dongle, my sysgtem tray has the icon he's talking about. right clich on it, and choose your poison.

06-06-2004, 03:40 AM
sorry, i didn't see the post above mine when i sent it