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View Full Version : WMV & ASX???

05-25-2004, 02:17 PM
May I know what is the difference between the file extenson *.WMV and *.ASX. From what I know, asx is streaming media that can be played only on the internet but wmv can be saved from the internet.

I got a question, how do I make my videos on my website at http://geocities.com/ongkc_sg/music_videos.htm from wmv to asx? I want my videos to be able to streamcast so that people don't need to wait for the entire thing to be downloaded. Do I need additional software to do this, please let me know.

Thanks. :D

05-30-2004, 06:21 AM
Actually, I have been wondering about this, too lately. I wonder if Windows Media Encoder does that. I know you can use it to broadcast media, but I don't know about .asx. Actually, isn't asx just the extension on the page file name? The source code for an asx page that I use a lot just has links to mms .wmv files. I think that is what does it. The mms rather that http. See, I don't know anything about it. I'm just guessing. It's something I have thought about setting up as well, but I haven't looked iinto it, yet.