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View Full Version : New Version of Must Have Libraries and Controls

Andy Sjostrom
05-27-2004, 04:00 PM
There is one set of class libraries and controls I always begin installing when entering into a new software development project: the <a href="http://www.opennetcf.org/CategoryView.aspx?category=Home">Smart Device Framework from OpenNETCF</a>. The framework is a package of shared-source class libraries and controls which extend the .NET Compact Framework. The new version, version 1.1, includes numerous new features to add improved Threading, Configuration, Telephony and Serial Communications support. There is also a large selection of forms controls such as HtmlViewer, InkX and RoundGauge controls. Read the <a href="http://www.opennetcf.org/pdf/SDF1.1%20press%20release.pdf">press release here</a>!<br /><br />It's free. It's of highest quality. It's shared source. What are you waiting for?

05-27-2004, 07:27 PM
Free is free which is all well and good but the nice thing about Windows applications is that up til now the idea of dependences to run an application were pretty much nonexistent. (Note: pretty much)
This is one thing that has driven me nuts with Linux. Dependencies for the dependencies to simply run an app. I REALLY don't want to see this type of behavior occur on Windows.

05-27-2004, 08:28 PM
Free is free which is all well and good but the nice thing about Windows applications is that up til now the idea of dependences to run an application were pretty much nonexistent. (Note: pretty much)
This is one thing that has driven me nuts with Linux. Dependencies for the dependencies to simply run an app. I REALLY don't want to see this type of behavior occur on Windows.

Well, all the needed DLL's are added to the application output when you compile it. The needed parts of the SmartDevice Framework can simply be added as a part of the application. I don't see the problem with dependencies.

05-28-2004, 02:10 AM
Free is free which is all well and good but the nice thing about Windows applications is that up til now the idea of dependences to run an application were pretty much nonexistent. (Note: pretty much)
This is one thing that has driven me nuts with Linux. Dependencies for the dependencies to simply run an app. I REALLY don't want to see this type of behavior occur on Windows.

Well..you're going to have dependencies regardless of what platform/dev language you use. Unless you want one big fat executable file to hog up presious memory resources on those tiny devices. Atleast with .Net , most of you underlying code is going to be in the framework itself.

Flynn Arrowstarr
05-28-2004, 07:16 PM
Ooh! I've been waiting for the new version of SDF :D Excellent!

I've been using SDF since some of the first libraries were released. OpenNETCF.org has done some wonderful work with it.

*heads off to download*


07-18-2004, 11:35 PM
This is one thing that has driven me nuts with Linux. Dependencies for the dependencies to simply run an app. I REALLY don't want to see this type of behavior occur on Windows.
i couldnt agree more. i hate linux because of this. you have to install all the libraries to be able to run the applications.

Janak Parekh
07-19-2004, 12:19 AM
i couldnt agree more. i hate linux because of this. you have to install all the libraries to be able to run the applications.
Let's not discuss this further here -- it's off-topic, and not quite accurate.

