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View Full Version : Rubber-like sleeve

05-14-2004, 07:47 AM
Not too long ago there was a front-page article about a very thin, colored sleeve for the 2200 series. This item was very thinn and incorporated a basic flip-cover to protect the screen. But, not having a 2200 (rather, a 4100), I didn't bookmark the page it referred to.

Now that some time has passed, hopefully they've made available, or have plans to make a version for the 4100.

Can anyone help me with a link to this (or a similar) product?

05-14-2004, 08:57 AM
Not too long ago there was a front-page article about a very thin, colored sleeve for the 2200 series. This item was very thinn and incorporated a basic flip-cover to protect the screen. But, not having a 2200 (rather, a 4100), I didn't bookmark the page it referred to.

Now that some time has passed, hopefully they've made available, or have plans to make a version for the 4100.

Can anyone help me with a link to this (or a similar) product?
Search is your friend. :-) A search here on iPAQ cover found a thread about the JavoEdge clear case (http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=21890&highlight=ipaq+cover) for the iPAQ 2210. While it has a flip-cover, it doesn't look like it's rubber.

If you want something rubber, there's the Speck Skin-Tight (http://www.speckproducts.com), which also has a flip-cover. However, it only looks like it's for the iPAQ 1900s, not the 2210 (or the 4150).

For a whole bunch of links to case companies, check the Accessories section (http://links.svpocketpc.com#LINKS_ACCESSORIES) on my Web site.


Andy Whiteford
05-14-2004, 09:46 AM
It's the Speck Products skin tight case that you are referring too. They only make a h1900 case for Pocket PCs at the moment but they have other models coming in the next couple of months including one for the h4100 series.

05-14-2004, 11:22 AM
Here's the Pocket PC Thoughts Skin-Tight thread (http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=26920) if that's really the one you were thinking of.


05-22-2004, 06:08 PM
Thanks guys! I tried searching, but never thought of "cover," I've been looking for "case" and "rubber."

Thanks for the assistance! :)