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View Full Version : OK, time to ask for HEEELP!!! WIFI config

04-30-2004, 11:45 PM
Eq: ipaq 2215 (with SDIO update), Socket SDIO WiFI card, Netgear MR814v2 wireless router, Zyxel DSL modem.

My PPC says the network is available but I get no signal. Here's my setup:

Router Basic Settings:
Static IP (used to belong to the PC)
Correct Subnet (
Gateway IP (fro the DSL modem) the sam as it's always been - works with my PC)
No login needed
DNS servers specified (as it was with my PC)
Router MAC address - default
Router Wireless Settings:
Wireless Access point enabled
SSID broadcast
Authentication Type - auto enable
no encryption
WAN setup - Connect automatically as required
Use router as DHCP server checked

PPC settings
Settings/Connections/Connections/Network Card/ brings up the 'Configure Wireless Networks' page. My network shows as available.
Network Adapter tab - socket SDIO WLAN card
Use specific IP address (just where does this addres come from)
Name servers: DNS same as PC was

I get 0% signal reading in this config. On a whim, I drove over to Starbucks. I picked up 3 separate networks but no signal strength from them either.

Any thoughts?

UPDATE: I reset the router with factory defaults and loaded te IP stuff again. My socket card found it and had a signal. I tried conecting to the internet and received the message that I needed to configure my proxy server. Well, I don't have a proxy server. I played around with adding the router and gateway IPs as proxy servers to no avail. In fact, I've now lost all signal.

Zero COnfiguration! HAH!

05-02-2004, 06:07 PM
Eq: ipaq 2215 (with SDIO update), Socket SDIO WiFI card, Netgear MR814v2 wireless router, Zyxel DSL modem.

My PPC says the network is available but I get no signal.


I'm a real novice when it comes to this kind of thing, so please bear w/ me. :oops:

I'm assuming that when you say you made the iPaq 2215 SDIO update your referring not only to the 2215 ROM update, but also the recently released 2210/2215 SDIO driver update that can be found here...


My next question is do you have the MR814v2 Firmware Version 5.03 upgrade that is found here? ...


If yes to both, then the best I can do is leave you w/ the Netgear MR814v2 802.11b Cable/DSL Wireless Router troubleshooting link that has lots of useful information on your router...


Good luck!

05-03-2004, 05:02 AM
Yes, I have the 5.03 firmware update and the HP SDIO update. I've been to the Netgear page and still no joy.

I guess it's time to make some calls...

05-04-2004, 10:28 PM
If you're using DHCP on the router, should you not select "Use server assigned IP address" on your PPC? Otherwise, you'll have to set an IP range on the router/gateway, and then assign an IP address to the PPC that is within the range on the gateway.

05-05-2004, 09:47 AM
Today I reserved an IP address on the router and put it in my ipaq. After some fiddling, I got connected. When I would tap/hold on my network, it would go from 'available' to connecting', then back to 'available'. Today it finally 'connected'. I still can;t get internet sitrs although I can use AS wirelessly.

Here's a funny. "Block all internet sites" seems to be the default setting for the router! I changed that thinking I had found my problem, but I still receive "the page you requested cannot be found'.

05-06-2004, 04:41 AM
Make sure you set the gateway entry on the PPC to the IP address of
your router.

for example:

on router
assigned IP by DSL/ISP =
your routers NAT IP =

on PPC
IP address =
gateway =

if you use DHCP to auto assign the PPC it will obtain these automatically.

05-06-2004, 08:48 AM
I have my DSL gateway address as the gateway address. I'll change it when I get home and see what happens!