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View Full Version : CF and SD card erased but for 1 file ? virus or airport x ray?

04-15-2004, 11:02 PM
I have a Smart Modular 256MB SD card that I have been using for the last 10 months in my HP 2215. Yesterday, I tried to access the card and I can only see one file on it (on file manager.)
When I go to settings, memory, storage card, it still shows that there is 239mb in use, and 4.05mb free, which is about the amount of info I have on it.

I have now looked at my 128 sandisk CF card as well, all but one file has been erased from it as well. Does anyone have any suggestions as to the cause of this.
Could this be a virus?
I travelled to the UK from Canada within the last week and put my pocket pc through 2 sets of x ray machines, could it be related to this. I have put it through an airport x ray machine about 75 times in the last year, and it has never done this before.

WHy have both disks been erased at the same time. I've had the CF card for about 2.5 yrs and the SD card for about a year and never had problems before.

04-16-2004, 12:47 AM
I have been warning users the last few days about this problem.


You are not the only one and even when I said at my site that the problem is with the latest ROM after I posted that I have received and read reports from users who claim that they had the same problem even with the old ROM.

Robb Bates
04-16-2004, 02:45 PM
I'll bet the file that was left was ignore_my_docs or something like that. Right? There's another thread on this site that talks about that. But I'm too lazy to find it right now.

Lazy Robb

04-16-2004, 03:05 PM
I have posted a list of cases where people reported problems with SD cards in h221x but many does not want to believe that it's a problem there in h221xs.