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View Full Version : Best service provider for GSM/ bluetooth connection?

04-02-2004, 12:05 AM
What is the best phone/service provider for going online with my ipaq?
I have used ATT with the T68i but then dropped ATT because the GSM network sucked. I think that a lot of the networks have been updating towers. So who uses the phones? Is it worth it to change yet?

I want agood phone but mainly just care about good service.(They all offer pretty much the same phone anyways)
Anyone in or around the Cleveland area what service is the best?

P.S. I have Verizon and a LG4400, service and phone are great but no Bluetooth.

04-02-2004, 08:56 PM
t-mobile takes the cake my man. At $20 for unlimited gprs....its all you'll ever need. I think they plan is $30 right now though, but if you had it when it first came out then you're still paying the same $20. Im pimping the se z600. I use it as my modem just about everyday, either for my ipaq of my laptop. The speeds in nyc are a little slower than dial up, but they get the job done everytime!

Ryan Joseph
04-02-2004, 11:00 PM
Dude, T-Mobile offers FREE unlimited GPRS, you just have to ask for it. There are several threads on this site discussing this. The only difference between the free plan and the $20 plan is that the free plan doesn't allow access to secure sites (banking, etc) and doesn't support instant messaging. I'm not going to pay twenty bucks a month to do my banking on my PPC.

You just have to call T-Mobile and say you want the "Free WAP Plan."

04-02-2004, 11:47 PM
Thats cool i heard about that a while ago, but I am also concerned about the actual calls, after all it is a phone. When i had ATT the service sucked for calls how is the service?Does it drop calls? Can you use it everywhere, not just in certain rroms of your house?

Janak Parekh
04-03-2004, 10:13 PM
You have to try it out for yourself. No provider has uniformly good or bad coverage -- it varies even within cities. Providers offer a timeframe for you to return the unit if it doesn't work -- usually on the order of a few weeks -- precisely because of this.

Incidentally, part of the reason you had so much trouble with AT&T is because the T68i can only access scattered parts of AT&T's network -- it can't handle their new GSM 850 frequencies. You might get better coverage with one of their newer phones (like the T616)... or maybe not. You'll have to experiment a little. ;)

If T-Mobile works for you, it's certainly the cheapest solution on the market.
