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View Full Version : MPX - Smartphone of PPCPE?

04-01-2004, 08:36 PM
Stupid question I know - but I would just like some clarification. I'm thinkin' its a PPCPE with a small screen. Am I right?

04-01-2004, 09:01 PM
yeah, basically... it's the samething as any other PPCPEs except it folds... pretty sweet device if you ask me.

I think it's a 2.5" screen instead of the typical 3.5" of most other PDAs

04-01-2004, 09:07 PM
Yeah it is sweat - but the "expected list price" ain't - I heard a rumor of something like $900 USD?

So it does run the PPCPE 03SE then... (2.8" screen)... I don't know about it yet. I do have to admit that it is the coolest device for a PPC or Smartphone I have seen yet - way to go Moto.

Janak Parekh
04-02-2004, 12:00 AM
Yeah it is sweat - but the "expected list price" ain't - I heard a rumor of something like $900 USD?
That's highly speculative. I for one think they will price it cheaper.

And yes, we're all drooling for it. ;)


04-02-2004, 01:24 AM
I think we will see Smartphone size devices with the full PPC OS taking over that part of the market. To me, MS Smartphones are too big to be phones, but too limited to be serious devices, which is why adoption is so s l o w. Hopefully more OEMs will see the light and come up with devices like the Moto.

Although I can't use it, being a Sprint customer, the MPX is a great step forward and might save MS from being eclipsed by POS and Symbian in the smartphone arena. I'm a Pocket PC fan (love my Axim) but if I had to buy a smartphone today it would be a Treo 600 or SE P900. Neither is perfect, so I'm still waiting.

If MS and their OEMs gave me what I want, I'd pay $900.00 for it because it would be something I'd use all day every day, in and out of work. Worth the money to me, but I've nothing to buy. Very frustrating. :cry:

Chris Spera
04-02-2004, 02:51 AM

The MPx is supposed to be a Phone Edition device (defined by the OS it runs...), but I'm wondering if its not a new class of device.

It has a smartphone form factor, but runs the big-boy OS... Hmmmmmm...

Kind Regards,

Christopher Spera

04-03-2004, 05:53 PM
Is there any MPX device out yet? What are the specifications? what do they classify them as - PPCPE or SmartPhones?
I think the answers to these questions will classify what they are.
I would like to know.

Janak Parekh
04-03-2004, 10:35 PM
Is there any MPX device out yet?
Nothing apart from the MPx200 Smartphone 2002 device.

As for specs, do a search on this site for MPx -- we've got a lot of threads on it already. It's running WM2003SE Phone Edition, has WiFi and Bluetooth, has integrated thumbboard, dual hinges, etc. In short, a sweet-looking device. :)
