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View Full Version : Sena case soon for e800/e805

Kevin C. Tofel
03-30-2004, 11:25 PM
I had previously purchased a Sena case for my Dell Axim and absolutely loved it. Great quality, great price and very stylish. I've since replaced the Ax with a Tosh e805, but lo and behold....Sena doesn't currently make a case for it.

Instead of getting a case from a different manufacturer, I figured I'd at least ask Sena and guess what: they're working on one! I don't have a date, but Ramsey from Sena's customer support area responded to my note indicating that one is in the works. Thought to pass this info along to the fellow Toshiba-ites.

If you are curious about the features of their cases, take a look at their site (http://www.senacases.com) for views on other PPC's.

And hey, if you're a "ladiesman" like me :ladysman: , you'll love the slide in mirror. I try to use my PPC screen for a mirror to check my hair throughout the day....no need to with this case!

I can't believe I actually got the "ladiesman" emoticon in a post with real meaning behind it!!! 8O


03-30-2004, 11:53 PM
Thanks, KC!

I can't wait! And I really need one, too! Just yesterday I dropped my 805 getting into my car, and damaged the upper left corner because I only had it in my old 740 sleeve instead of a real case.

Now I have to send it in for repair, which I wouldn't have had to do if I had been protecting it properly.

03-31-2004, 04:15 AM
Now I have to send it in for repair, which I wouldn't have had to do if I had been protecting it properly.

Why don't you just STEAL yourself a new one! :roll:

I'm not going ot justify ANYTHING!

I'm not even going to try to excuse ANYTHING!


I am a consumer. My job is to get their wares for as little as I can give for them. If that is zero, then so be it. And, I don't care who likes it. I do what I think is right...NOT what society thinks is right.

I don't believe a person should be held accountable for following rules that they had no input into setting up. Just my own set of personal beliefs people.

I have well over $600 US of PPC wares on my E-805, and I am VERY proud to say that I payed for almost none of it.


And spare me all your chastizing...I don't care. LIke I said already, I make up my own mind, and do what I think is right. I don't do what society thinks is acceptable, and I don't have my opinions formed for me by politicians.
