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View Full Version : HELP Please Terminal Services setup on PC and IPAQ 4155

03-07-2004, 08:47 AM

Dear All

This is my first post on the net. i bought a IPAQ 4155 last week. i was trying to configure terminal services to work on the ipaq but failed. i have configured my internet connection an able to surf with no problems :).

i have configured terminal services to run on my WIN2K Server with the help of the internet.I am also using a linksys wireless router (BEFW11S4) where my ipaq is connected wireless to surfe the internet. I also don't have any probles surfing from my WIN2K Server :).

My problem is, i can't use the ipaq terminal services to control the PC.i may have configured the server/terminal server wrongly.

Can sombody help me as this is my first IPAQ i bought and this is my first time i am configuring a WIN2K Server. I have not loaded the Active Sync yet on to the server as i was more excited to get terminal services up and running on my Ipaq and my WIN2K Server.



03-07-2004, 05:33 PM
Are you using the default port for Terminal Service? For the Terminal Service client on Pocket PCs to connect, the host machine must be using the default, 3389, port. There is (not as far as I have found out so far) no way to tell the Terminal Service Client to connect to a different port.

You can check the port setting in the Registry. Navigate to the key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp

It's a DWORD value named "PortNumber". Make sure it is 3389.


More info on the port can be found at http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=187623

Also, have you opened the port in the Linksys? and forwarded it to your W2K server?

[You don't need this unless you want to access your Win2K from WAN]
To open the port in your Linksys's NAT:

1. Go to the Configuration page
2. Click on the Advanced tab
3. Click on Forwarding
4. In Port Range Forwarding, enter 3389 To 3389 for Ext.Port
5. Check the box for Protocol TCP
6. Enter your Win2k server's LAN IP
7. Check the box for Enable

NOTE: Your Linksys might have a newer firmware than mine but the required settings are listed above.


Also have you enabled "Remote Desktop" on the Win2k Server?

03-07-2004, 06:03 PM
Hi masaki

Cool it work now :lol: .i guess i did not forward the port on the linksys.Now that i have done that it seems to work.i also notice that i had to use VPN for that connection.Now i can use terminal services and remote active sync via wi-fi.that's cool man.thanks a million masaki :D

03-07-2004, 06:38 PM
You're welcome. :D Glad it works now