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View Full Version : Nasty website quoted, drags thread off-topic

02-19-2004, 06:26 PM
From http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=216815#216815 :
Well, Jason, your empire seems to be getting to its feet

I just wanted to add a comment to this thread: the assertion that Thoughts Media will grow by other sites going out of business is an offensive one...I don't know where that came from dmacburry2003, but I hope I've never given off that impression in anything I've said or done.
From http://msmobiles.com/catalog/i.php/30.html :

Jason practices "anti-competitive" behavior - it means that he is not publishing links to reviews or news items at sites that he feels are competitive to his sites. His anti-competitive practices include: a. not publishing links to competitive sites at all, b. publishing links to Google cache, instead of to the original link of the article (to prevent original publisher from benefiting from such direct linking), c. linking to other sites that have link to given site that Jason hates, not directly to given site from where the source of information comes.

Jason is a person full of hatred and lacking any tollerance or understanding for other people. He is also constantly and quickly removing any negative postings from forums of his websits and thatīs why one can notice only one sided view of reality at his sites.

Janak Parekh
02-19-2004, 06:30 PM
From http://msmobiles.com/catalog/i.php/30.html
I wouldn't pay too much attention to that assertion. Simply look at the homepage -- we've got links to something like 10 different sites... and check out the ARTICLES and NEWS submissions, especially. If anything, we link to others more than anyone else. ;)


02-19-2004, 06:43 PM
Yeah, the msmobiles thing is stupid. Personally, I've specifically noticed that PPCThoughts very often links to competing sites, more than most other places do, it would seem.

And about Jason linking to Google caches of pages.. personally, I've never once seen that.

I have however seen some of the other things the guy at msmobiles has to say.. it's completely made up, and probably more anti-competitive than even what he accuses Jason of doing... :roll:

Jason Dunn
02-19-2004, 06:57 PM
Holy off topic batman! 8O

From http://msmobiles.com/...

What exactly is your point here? I find it odd that you'd just quote another site's lies about me instead of asking me a question. It should be very plain to anyone that reads our site, or looks at our home page, that we link to other sites VERY often - in fact, we link to content on other sites more than we post our own 100% unique content. There are only two Web sites out there that I will not link to, because I believe the owners of these sites are unethical (their actions have proved as much) and I refuse to validate their tactics by sending traffic their way. If that makes them hate me, so be it - but I'd rather get along with 99% of the other Pocket PC Web sites out there (which I do) than validate a hate-literature Web site like the one you've linked to.

02-19-2004, 07:04 PM
I simply found an example that involved your percieved "business" tactics in response to a comment you made on a thread that is related to this one but locked. That's all. 8O