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View Full Version : extreme pda memory loss

02-01-2004, 05:45 AM
Ok.. I have an Ipaq 4155, everything perfect but, after viewing websites (clicking links. going back and forth, "serfing the net" ) my pda's memory goes to like zero and im talking about like after only about 5 minutes.... HELP!!!!!!!!

02-01-2004, 06:14 AM
are cookies possible on your browser? That would do it. I'm not familiar with the browser, so I can't really help you. Turning off some sort of cache would help you I imagine. I think what it's doing is saving the images and information you download, so that the next time you need it, it can be loaded automatically. It's a thing desktops do to save browsing time and bandwidth I think.

I'm not terribly knowledgable of these things.

02-01-2004, 06:30 AM
I have been surfing via my wireless network for quite some time and have had no issues. 2 nights ago, the exact same thing happened. I was surfing and after a bit (don't know exact timing) I had a memory error and was down to 0 for memory available. My 4150 had previously been at ~27M available. Very strange....

02-01-2004, 07:53 AM
I suppose you are talking about the storage memory.

Then you can try limiting the amount of storage space used by IE for temprorary files. This can be done with one of Microsofts Powertoys for PPC.

Here is a link:

During different sessions of IE you might be downloading more/less data, which might explainin the problem not occuring all the time.

Good luck.

02-01-2004, 08:37 AM
thank you so much!