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View Full Version : Bluetooth GPS (Royaltek) + iPaq 2210 problems

01-12-2004, 08:07 AM
I just purchased BlueGPS RBT-3000 (from Royaltek - www.royaltek.com) 3 days ago and I have a lots of problem with it.

I am working with iPaq 2210 (OS WM2003) with PoweLoc Destinator version 3.

I installed HP BT update, and also the software from the accompanied CD.

My iPaq recognize the BlueGPS flawlessly, but the connection is lost after a very short while.

What is happen actually is that I set a new navigation or destination point, and then after a few seconds, I get the message "No GPS found". I go into the GPS lookup menu, and search for GPS. Its always find the BlueGPS, with no problems, announce "GPS was found", reconnects, and then after a while (sometimes seconds, sometimes minutes) the connection is lost again, and I get the "No GPS found" message again and so on and so on.

Another symptom I could see that the on the satellite signal screen, the satellite connection is going on and off, all the time, instead of staying on all the time. While that happens, the green light on the BlueGPS, is flashing, so it seems, it doesn't really looses the satellite connection.

At the moment I am using the NMEA protocol, with connection speed of 57,600 which is the speed according to the manufacturer. I tried reduced speed even down to 19,200 with no use.

It is very frustrating, any help and advice will be appreciated.

01-12-2004, 08:27 AM
Is there a power saving feature that is kicking in?

01-12-2004, 08:36 AM
I didn't find anything, that reminds this feature.

Pat Logsdon
01-12-2004, 08:37 AM
Try setting the speed to 4800. If that doesn't work, I'd try asking the same question in the forums over at gpspassion.com (http://www.gpspassion.com)

01-12-2004, 09:45 AM
I already tried that with no use.