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View Full Version : Pocket Player e800-compatible VGA skin posted

Jason Patterson
12-19-2003, 07:07 PM
Greetings everyone,

Due to great request from the e800 community, we have designed a skin for our music player application (Pocket Player (http://www.conduits.com/products/player)) that works on the e800 when running in VGA mode. Here is a preview:


The skin can be downloaded from our Skins page. Thanks everyone!

Dave Beauvais
12-19-2003, 08:31 PM
Wow, that looks really cool! What a great contribution to your users!

I see stuff like this and I can't wait until displays of 480x640 are the rule, not the exception. I finally got to see an e800 and the display was awe-inspiring. :) That is the only Pocket PC out right now that really makes my eye wander from my h5455. ;)