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View Full Version : Know of any Media Players that bookmark your spot?

11-21-2003, 11:27 PM
The bad thing about listening to radio archives on a Pocket PC is that when you close your media player, it won't remember were you left off.

If it was a 3:00 song, I wouldn't mind. But sometimes the middle of a 2 hour talk show, I have close it to free up some memory to run other programs. When I am ready to resume listening, I have to fast-forward to the place I left off. That is, if you remember how many minutes in you were.

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to reopen that same media player and have it not only remember the file you were playing, but also where you were in that file when you closed it?

WinAmp does can remember where you left off in a media file when you close the program (with the help of a plugin). And I would sure like to see that function in an MP3 or OGG media player for the Pocket PC. Heck, I'd settle for WMA or Real if either one did it.

Has anyone ever run across a program that does this?

11-22-2003, 12:14 AM
For audio files, PocketMusic with Feature Pack allows bookmarks. Audible Player allows it, too.

12-03-2003, 06:07 PM
Conduits Pocket Player newest version supports bookmarks. I use audible for books, but for radio archives, i use pocket player.

Tom W.M.
12-04-2003, 03:08 AM
GSPlayer has an auto-resume function, so it picks up right where you left off when you close the program.

12-17-2003, 08:58 PM
Thank you for the help, I had no idea so many had this option.

I am going to try them all out and see which works best for me.

Thanks all!

12-18-2003, 06:58 PM
You know, I've been using SoundExplorer recently, and it has Bookmark capability, which I just tried out for the first time, and which appears to do exactly what you want.

If you download SoundExplorer, be sure to get version 3.44, and not any of the earlier versions. My experience with the earlier versions has been dismal, and though v3.44 isn't perfect, it's by far the most stable release of this product.

Aside from playing .wav and .mp3 files, this program lets you record using your PPC's mic feature. That's why I bought this program -- and it's been extremely useful.