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View Full Version : Can't get internet connection through BlueTooth on ipaq!

11-12-2003, 08:40 PM
Ahhhhhhh……. I need some help:

Hardware in question:
Hp ipaq 2210
Bluetooth dongle
Small home network [computers A,B,C,D for the sake of this excercise]
ADSL modem providing Internet access to the network connected to computer A
My computer: Computer B

I want to access the Internet on my PDA through my computers Internet connection. At present I can get it when ActiveSync is connected, but not through the network Bluetooth Internet connection. Every time I try to connect to the Internet on my PDA, it looses the Internet connection for computer B. It then displays the message ‘the page you are looking for cannot be found’ on the screen of the ipaq. The internet connection on computer B is not re-gained until I turn the Bluetooth connection off. Naturally I thought an ip conflict within the network, but all the adaptors have different addresses. I have setup the BT adaptor to have and I can’t find anything else on the network with this address . I have read from other people to enter the DNS address of the internet connection into the preffered DNS bit in the Bluetooth settings, but I don’t know what DNS is, or how to find out what it is.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


11-12-2003, 11:08 PM
I'm not too sure, but if you have a router, your designated IP address for your BT connector (, might be the WAN/LAN address on your router. (I think is the standard, or a very common IP on a local network)

Since you said you connect through Computer A, check to see if Computer A has this IP addy. And assign different addresses for each computer if true.

Although I might be wrong, check it out. Just a suggestion that might work.

11-12-2003, 11:31 PM
I checked that previously, and computer A has an Ethernet IP address of
Thanx for the suggestion though. Any other ideas?

11-13-2003, 05:28 PM
Depending on your bluetooth dongle.
I have a Ambicom dongle, and if it's connected to a pc with an internet connection, you have to set up a dial in connection on that pc using the bluetooth dongle.

In my case: after install of the dongle, all the drivers and ports were installed. In the device manager it had a bunch of bluetooth stuff. I looked for the one called LAN PPP something, and checked what port it was configured on (com5 in my case)
Then in the control panel I added a modem, selected direct cable something (first one in list) and set it on com5.
After that I added a network connection, set it up as a dial in, and followed the instructions.

Then on Ipaq, I went into bluetooth manager, select browse devices, in there, your computer should list after it scans. when you select it, it should have lan access through ppp. Select that one, and then finish this part.
Then start the connection.
While connected, click on your connection icon on top, select manage, then there should be one connection in there, edit, dont change anything, but just click next until your done (this saves the connection as default connection, and would dial in to your bluetooth dongle when it needs a internet/network connection.

(or look at the pdf manual at http://www.ambicom.com/support/installation/instbt2000/instbt2000.htm)
