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View Full Version : Soft Reset

10-28-2003, 02:48 AM
I found the below code which is written in eVB to preform a soft reset of a Pocket PC. I was wondering is there a C# version, or different method to perform the same task.

declare function KernelIoControl lib "coredll" ( _

ByVal dwIoControlCode as long, ByVal lpInBuf as string, _

ByVal nInBufSize as long, lpOutBuf as string, _
ByVal lnOutBufferSize as long, ByVal lpBytesReturned as long) as boolean

Const IOCTRL_HAL_REBOOT = 16842812

dim bReset as Boolean
Dim lValue as long

bReset = KernelIOControl(IOCTRL_HAL_REBOOT,"",0,"",0,lValue)