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View Full Version : Some simple help on Bluetooth

10-22-2003, 12:35 AM
I have a design question

What I have to implement is, the two devices should be able to connect using bluetooth.

the stack I have has apis for serial port profile, sdp and rfcomm as well as l2cap.

I will have a special(proprietry) service running on the server
machine to which a client who knows about the service can connect.

Now my questions are:-

1. How do I make the inquiry time the smallest, should I use class of device to make inquiry smaller.

2. How do I setup the server for the Special(prorietry) service, what I mean is
for example I add service records for my service on the server, which only my client knows about, so
once its able to find the service, can I still use serial port profile to make the connection
as it will be easier to program, or do I have to use rfcomm for that or maybe l2cap for better performance

Please help
