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View Full Version : Good Canadian Price for New Ipaqs 2210 and 1940!

07-18-2003, 06:45 AM
I found some good prices on the new ipaqs for People in Ontario, Canada..

www.greytech.com have the 1940 and 2210 for $419.95 and $549.95 respectively.

Good idea will be to get Bestbuy or future shop to do a price match as soon as they get them in stock!


ps - The Canon S400 sells for $649 here as well.. Future shop matched the price and I saved $50 :-)

Mike Temporale
07-18-2003, 04:26 PM
Interesting, I will keep them in mind. However buying from places like HandHeld Canada (http://www.handheldcanada.com) that may have a sligthly higher price can be better and cheaper!

Because Handheld Canada is not in Ontario, when I buy something I will not be charged PST. Also, if your item is over $100 they don't charge shipping. So

$449 + GST (7%) = $480.43
($419 + GST (7%) + PST (8%) ) + Shipping ($12) = $493.85

I try and buy as much as possible from within Canada, just not within Ontario. :wink:

Another good place to look in Cendirect (http://www.cendirect.com). I got a Canon s400 for $638 with no PST!

07-18-2003, 05:52 PM
ah! thanks for the tips.. I was unsure about the taxing of stuff here in Canada.. :-) nice price on the s400.

Well, I found a buyer for my HP 568.. picking up in 1 hrs time.. so I am looking to order/buy the 2210 in the next few days.

Warrantys for ipaqs are thru HP Canada right, not thru the seller?


Mike Temporale
07-18-2003, 05:59 PM
Most stores have a 30 return to the store, and then anything after that is through the manufacturer. Unless you get into the extended warranties and stuff. Otherwise, HP Canada (or just plain HP - if/when you return home) will be your warranty contact.

07-18-2003, 07:53 PM
thanks for the help.

Just got $350CA for my HP 568 with thumbkeyboard and serial/usb sync cable so am quite pleased.. :)

going to order the 2210 in a few mins..

07-18-2003, 08:45 PM

great, ordered it for a total (inc. tax) for $CA609 delivered on Monday!


thanks again!

Mike Temporale
07-18-2003, 08:48 PM
Where did you end up ordering it from?

And how did you sell your old one, ebay?

07-18-2003, 10:08 PM
Where did you end up ordering it from?

And how did you sell your old one, ebay?

It was a toss up between handheld canada and Cendirect .
I went with Cendirect as they have a flat shipping rate of $12 overnight and I might use them again in the future for other PC gear. They confirmed the item is shipping tonight and I should have it on Monday -yay!

I listed my old one on www.howardforums.com - a great site for Cell phones in Nth America/Canda. They have a great Buy Sell. Most of the people who read the buy/sell are local - ie. Ontario/GTA, Vancouver and a few in the US. Although people are PC/Electronic savvy, you can get a _fair_ price on gear both selling or buying. Beats ebay as I would be competing against the US sellers as well..