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View Full Version : Internet Explorer icons missing

06-03-2003, 02:21 PM
Hi there,

First post so hello to everyone from the sunny UK!! I've got a problem on my iPAQ 3970 in that IE doesn't display and graphics. This goes for the welcome screen as well as any pages I view either via Active Synch or on my wireless connection. My initial thought is to reinstall Pocket IE but I cannot find the files to do that anywhere either online or the Compaq CD.

Does anyone know where I can download it from or what might be causing this problem.



06-03-2003, 03:27 PM
I've got a problem on my iPAQ 3970 in that IE doesn't display and graphics.
:idea: Could it be that you have unintentionally TURNED OFF the display of graphics :idea:

If you look at the TOOLBAR on the bottom of the PIE display window you should see that the right most button is HIGHLIGHTED (i.e background is WHITE instead of GRAY). The symbol is a small page with green rectangles (that are supposed to represent graphics) with a big red X over it (to indicate that graphics should NOT be displayed). If this symbol is indeed highlighted then simply press the button and your problem should disappear!

06-04-2003, 09:00 AM
That would be it. Never even thought about what that button did and now I do.

Thanks for the help.
