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View Full Version : Looking for PPC DateBk.....

05-20-2003, 05:41 PM
I've tried Agenda Fusion and Pocket informant and a couple others, but I really don't need all those features/overlays for the PPC' built in PIM's. All I really want is a Calendar plugin that gives me a Palm "DateBk" type view (two week view on one screen, little boxes, only text on days that have events and mostly NO scroll bars). With the custom view on PI, I was able to make something close, but it's a tad bloated for my needs and I'm happy with the standard stuff so I don't need to pay $$$ for a bunch of stuff I can do without.

Any former POSers in the same boat that care to share their less expensive solution?

05-20-2003, 05:51 PM
How about PocketDay?


05-20-2003, 08:38 PM
yes I've tried it before on my Axim and on my Jornada. It's kinda close, but no cigar. There are two different week views but not a TWO WEEK view as I recall.
It's a head scratcher that on a bigger screen with higher resolution that no one has emulated or improved upon the Pimlico calendar (IMO) format. I don't think that the DateBk "look and feel" is licenced as you can get almost the exact same view from Agendus for POS.

It looks like this: http://www.pimlicosoftware.com/palmm505-week2.gif
but can display it in a customizable number of days (I prefer the two week view as I've said) without any scroll bars.