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View Full Version : What's this with Sega?

04-27-2003, 10:08 PM
Sega has this new Trance Vibrator device for their Game system.
Is this for real?
read more HERE (http://www.technobrains.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard.pl?s=43aa08d5889eb0d53f6d9dff2ef45dd6;act=ST;f=19;t=1116;&#top)

04-27-2003, 10:29 PM
Sega has this new Trance Vibrator device for their Game system.
Is this for real?
read more HERE (http://www.technobrains.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard.pl?s=43aa08d5889eb0d53f6d9dff2ef45dd6;act=ST;f=19;t=1116;&#top)

That game is well over a year old and its for PS2, wonderfull little game and the transvibrator is not designed to be used in that way.
Its an onrails 3D shooter that is a complete sensory overload package, the game combines the use of audio with visuals and the vibration function to provide for an experience that is designed as a total body experience, to be played with the sound loud in a dark room.

04-27-2003, 10:31 PM
Actually, I had a chat with the Tetsuya Mizuguchi( Sega rally, Space Channel 5 and this game amongst others) at E3 last year.
H used to be a friend of Michael Jackson and incorporated him in a few of his games(check out Space Channel 5 and Space Channel 5 2 for Space michael for instance)